asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what price has been paid by the Government of the Seychelles for the ship "Vanguard"; what is the estimated cost of maintenance; whether technical experts were consulted before the ship was purchased; what repair facilities there are in the Seychelles for the ship; and what purpose the ship will serve other than as the Governor's private yacht.
The "Vanguard" is an ex-Admiralty vessel displacing 145 tons, with a 240 h.p. Crossley diesel engine and with a cargo carrying capacity of 95 tons. The capital cost is expected to be about £20,000 including cost of delivery from Bombay and copper-sheathing. The estimated cost of maintenance is £5,000 per annum. Messrs. MacKinnon, Mackenzie, arranged a survey of the vessel and gave a satisfactory report. Purchase of the vessel was unanimously recommended by Dr. Wheeler, the Government Fisheries expert, and the Executive Council and the standing Finance Committee of the Legislative Council of Seychelles. Minor repair facilities are available in Seychelles. If major repairs are required the vessel will have to be sent to Mombasa. The hon. Member is misinformed as to the intended purpose of the vessel. She will assist in the development of the fishing industry and the exploitation of the Aldabra group of islands which Government is now developing upon the expiry of the former concession to a private company. The vessel will also provide for the training of Seychellois in seamanship to open further channels of employment for the increasing population of the Colony.