asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that Mr. A. W. Francis, of Wattisham, Stowmarket, is responsible for the care of his father, who is an invalid of the 1914 war requiring assistance for ordinary physical movement, and living in isolated conditions where the nearest neighbour is one mile away; and, as the father is entirely dependent upon his son, will he grant deferment for the young man for a further period to enable other arrangements to be made for the safety and care of his father.
My hon. Friend will be aware from correspondence which has passed between us that Mr. Francis' son has been granted postponement of call-up since 8th August, 1946, for the express purpose of giving him the opportunity of making arrangements for such help as his mother may require while he is performing his National Service. Further postponement was refused by the umpire, before whom the son appeared. The umpire's decision is final and I am unable to intervene.