asked the Minister of Health the present position regarding the allegations of irregularity in connection with the requisitioning of certain hut dwellings on Hayle Towans by the West Penwith Rural District Council, about which the hon. and gallant Member for Camborne wrote to the Parliamentary Secretary on 28th June. 1949.
I am informed that the council has decided to release the properties if the owners implement undertakings they have given regarding occupation of the premises.
While appreciating that it would have been a continuing injustice to deprive these persons longer of their properties because it was a contravention of the powers of delegation, when a case of the sort occurs about which I wrote to the Minister a month ago cannot quicker action be taken so as to have justice done, particularly when such arbitrary powers are exercised?
I would not accept that suggestion. I think action has been taken reasonably speedily in view of the very complicated nature of the case.