asked the Minister of Education why the national Teachers' Registration Council for teachers in music was terminated by an Order in Council in March, 1949; and whether this suspension is regarded as temporary or permanent.
I assume that the hon. Member is referring to the Registration Council provided for under the Education (Administrative Provisions) Act, 1907, and later constituted and regulated by the Teachers' Registration Council Order, 1926. Membership was not restricted to teachers in music. The Teachers' Registration Council Revoking Order made on the 29th March, 1949, was designed to bring to an end the Teachers' Registration Council; it was necessitated by the changed conditions introduced by the Education Act, 1944, and by the falling off in applications for membership of the Royal Society of Teachers. There is no intention of reviving the Council, but the rights of existing members of the Society are being safeguarded by making suitable provision for the purpose under an Educational Trust.