asked the Minister of Health the number of dentists who are qualified and the number registered under the Dentists Acts, 1921 to 1923; how many National Health Service dentists are qualified; and how many registered under the said Acts.
The number of dentists on the Dental Register in the United Kingdom who are graduates or licentiates in dental surgery is 10,255, and the number registered under the Dentists Acts, 1921 to 1923, is 4,361. I regret that the information requested in the second and third parts of the Question is not available.
If the Minister is unable to give the information asked for in the last part of the Question, is it surprising that the National Health Service is getting into difficulties? Cannot the Parliamentary Secretary say what proportion of each of these categories has joined the National Health Service?
I can let the hon. Baronet know that out of approximately 10,000 dentists actively engaged in general practice some 9,400 are within the National Health Service.
Cannot the hon. Gentleman say what proportion of these are registered under the Dentists Acts?
Not without a quite unreasonable expense in finding out.