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Football Pool Transaction (Inquiry)

Volume 467: debated on Thursday 28 July 1949

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asked the Postmaster-General if he is aware that on 23rd May, 1949, two plain clothes Post Office officials called on Mrs. McLintock of Little Bulls Farm, Radwinter, Saffron Walden, for the purpose of investigating an alleged fraud in connection with a claim on Vernon's Pools; that they spent some three hours interrogating Mrs. McLintock and her employee, Mr. Behr. and stated that a refusal to answer questions would be interpreted as an acceptance of the allegations; and whether he will make a further statement on this matter.

I am aware that two Post Office officials interviewed Mrs. McLintock and Mr. Behr on 23rd May about a postal football pool transaction with Vernon's Pools. It is true that the interview lasted for about three hours but I am assured that there is no foundation for the suggestion that the Post Office officials stated that refusal to answer questions would be interpreted as an acceptance of allegations of fraud. The circumstances were such that inquiry was fully justified, and I am satisfied that it was properly conducted.