asked the Minister of Health when aids to hearing will be supplied to the many persons in Swindon in great need of them.
My right hon. Friend regrets that he cannot say when the supply will have caught up with the very large accumulated demand, but the supply has just been doubled.
asked the Minister of Health what percentage of Medresco hearing aids have been found to be faulty.
About 3 per cent. of the aids delivered to distribution centres are now returned as faulty. Of the aids issued to patients in the first year about 24 per cent. have come in for servicing or repair in England and Wales, but it is difficult to know how much of this represents original faults in the instruments.
Has the hon. Gentleman any idea how long it takes to repair these hearing aids, because there is a great deal of complaint about this matter?
Very often the repairs are minor servicing repairs. We regard the proportion of sets which come back for minor repairs and servicing as extremely small.
asked the Minister of Health what is now the average time taken to obtain a Medresco hearing aid after a certificate has been given.
The waiting period varies between the different distribution centres and in any case depends on priority of need. The average would, therefore, be meaningless even if it could be obtained.