asked the Minister of Health if the Regional Hospital Board have completed their investigation of the problem of the aged and chronic sick in the City of Birmingham; and what steps are being taken to improve existing facilities for those aged persons in need of hospital treatment.
The regional board has not yet completed its investigation; meanwhile efforts are being made to increase nursing staff and to bring into use additional beds.
Is my hon. Friend aware that the waiting lists in these hospitals are such that admission cannot be obtained under about three months, in spite of the fact that more aged chronic mental patients have been admitted to hospitals in the past year than in previous years? In view of the urgency of this grave problem, will my hon. Friend press for an investigation so as to get a solution?
Most urgent steps are being taken. We fully appreciate the urgency of the matter.
Would my hon. Friend bear in mind that Birmingham is not alone in this respect? Will he see that other areas. including cities like Manchester, are given equal consideration?
Is it not a fact that this is the result not of the present National Health Service, but of neglect in the past to build hospitals?