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Post Office

Volume 476: debated on Wednesday 14 June 1950

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Staff Association


asked the Postmaster-General what conditions he requires to be satisfied before granting recognition to the National Association of Telephone Supervising Officers.

I would refer the hon. Member to the general statement I made in the House on 17th May as to the considerations which would be taken into account in dealing with claims for recognition from new staff associations in the Post Office.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that he did not say under what conditions he would recognise this or other organisations? Does not the fact that these men wish to form a separate union suggest that there must be some dissatisfaction with the existing machinery?

The House will be pleased to know that one of the unions has now issued an invitation to all the unions concerned to come to a conference to discuss these difficulties inside the Post Office. In the meantime, I would deprecate any political agitation about this matter.

Government Departments (Free Postage)


asked the Postmaster-General what is the cost and extent of free postal services for Government Departments; and if he will give details of those Departments which avail themselves of free postage on the biggest scale.

The Post Office Estimates for 1950–51 Appendix F provide the full details and I am sending the hon. Member a marked copy.

When will the Government realise that the Socialist policy of centralisation involves an intolerable burden of correspondence both on Government Departments and on hon. Members, and that it is one of the main stops to our recovery?