asked the Minister of Supply whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction at the present method of distribution of new motor cars; and whether he will bring in legislation to introduce controls to ensure a more just system.
asked the Minister of Supply if he will inquire into the present method of allocating new motor cars to purchasers in the home market, with a view to finding means of removing the dissatisfaction with the existing arrangements.
The shortage of cars in the home market is bound to lead to complaints about methods of distribution. I am satisfied that the reintroduction of a statutory control would not be justified.
Is the Minister aware that I can supply him with numerous examples of people having obtained four or five new cars in the past four years, and that an "under the counter" system of distribution is now in full swing? Will my right hon. Friend take some steps to remedy this disreputable practice?
I agree with my hon. Friend; I believe that there has been a measure of abuse in this matter, though I think it has been considerably exaggerated. I have recently been in touch with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, who have arranged to try to tighten up their controls.
Is my right hon. Friend aware that a large number of 1949 models are being advertised in the Press, especially in the local Press in Birmingham, which is causing considerable dissatisfaction among some of my constituents who have been waiting for three years for cars?
I have heard of that practice, but I have also heard that when an applicant goes to buy one of those cars he usually finds that it is not there.
In view of the importance of this question and the knowledge in my possession, I propose to raise this matter on the Adjournment.