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Ministry Of Supply

Volume 483: debated on Monday 29 January 1951

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Sheet Steel


asked the Minister of Supply whether he is aware of the concern that is arising through the increasing difficulty of obtaining steel sheets and, particularly, steel sheets and flanging quality steel, for both export and essential home trade; and, whether he will make a statement.

There has been a persistent shortage of steel sheets, particularly of pressing quality, since the end of the war. No improvement is likely until the new plant in South Wales comes into operation later this year. Production from this plant will also increase supplies of flanging quality plate and strip.

Will the Minister consult with his right hon. Friends the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Fuel and Power to ascertain how serious the position is, particularly in connection with the production of railway wagons? Can he give the House an indication of emergency steps that could be taken to alleviate the position?

I am well aware of the difficulties which this shortage has caused in many sections of industry, but there is nothing more that can be done about it until the Margam works comes into operation.

Has there been any export of this type of steel in the last six months?

Maybe of some types under which we are bound by bilateral trade agreements, but not otherwise.

Has my right hon. Friend examined the extent to which hoarding has taken place in the last few months. That might provide some solution.

It may be that there are some stocks held by firms, but there are so many of them that it would be very difficult to take any action.

To what extent is the Minister responsible for the distribution of such steel as there is at present?


asked the Minister of Supply what is his estimate of the short-fall in American shipments of sheet steel to this country during the present quarter.

Orders for 29,000 tons are outstanding on mills in the U.S.A., of which 21,000 tons were due for delivery in 1950, the remaining 8,000 tons having been ordered at various dates for delivery in the first quarter of 1951. So far this quarter 1,000 tons have arrived in the United Kingdom and about 3,000 tons are in transit, but it is impossible to estimate what the total arrivals this quarter will be.

In view of the statement of his Department that these contracts will not be completed, would my right hon. Friend say what representations have been made to suppliers to carry out these contracts? If they plead force majeure will he say what representations he made to the United States Government?

The firms who have taken on these contracts, have, of course, been asked to make delivery, but they say that in view of the pressure on them for delivery in other quarters, particularly for defence orders, they cannot guarantee when they will be able to deliver the metal.

Since my right hon. Friend has already stated that there were no dates made in the contracts for metal, is it not the case that a contract cannot be considered a contract unless a date is, in fact, given?

A date is given in these contracts, but there is no binding obligation to deliver by that date. That is the normal form of contract for metal which is ordered by British producers of iron and steel, but there is no binding obligation on firms to deliver by a specific date.

In view of the incomplete answer of my right hon. Friend I wish to give notice that I will raise the matter at the earliest possible moment.

Surplus Stores (Sale)


asked the Minister of Supply why surplus Government stores of Service clothing, ground-sheets, blankets, hydraulic jacks and other similar materials continue to be sold by auction by his Department at a time when we are rearming.


asked the Minister of Supply what persons are admitted to his sales of surplus equipment, etc.; and what steps he is taking to ensure that no equipment for which there may be an urgent requirement is disposed of.

8. and 14.

asked the Minister of Supply (1) whether he will make a statement regarding the sale at Woolwich Arsenal, on or about 4th January, of surplus Army supplies; whether he is satisfied that no use could be made of the blankets, overcoats and Auxiliary Territorial Services' clothing sold; and why the general public and the Press were excluded;

(2) his policy with regard to the sale of surplus Government stores; and whether any modification of the policy has resulted from the proposals of the Government to rearm.


asked the Minister of Supply why dealers only were admitted to, and the Press excluded from, his sale by auction at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, on 5th January; and why Army clothing and blankets in serviceable condition were offered for sale.


asked the Minister of Supply why the public Press were refused entry to a sale of surplus military stores held by his officials at Woolwich on 5th January, 1951.


asked the Minister of Supply to what extent Government stores likely to be of use to the Armed Forces or to Civil Defence are still being sold by auction.


asked the Minister of Supply whether, in the light of the international situation, he will arrange for a review, before sale, of Service equipment and stores now declared surplus.

It is fully recognised that it is at present more necessary than ever to be sure that the Services are unlikely to have any further use for the stores they declare surplus. I am authorised by my right hon. Friends in charge of the Service Departments, for whom my Department acts as selling agent, to say that they are fully satisfied about the care exercised in this matter in their respective Departments. Before declaring stores for sale by my Ministry, the Service Departments take account of all defence requirements, including those of our Allies. Moreover, there are arrangements under which all goods no longer required by one Service Department are offered to the other two before they are declared surplus and any goods that seem likely to be useful for Civil Defence are brought to the notice of the Departments concerned.

It should be borne in mind that broad descriptions of stores offered for sale do not indicate their condition. Surpluses are usually unserviceable for one reason or another. Where they appear to be in good condition the decision to declare them surplus will have been taken only after the Service Departments have satisfied themselves that they would not be required for issue if retained.

Neither the Press nor the public were excluded from a recent sale at Woolwich Arsenal. In accordance with our rule, any intending buyer is admitted to our auctions on production of a catalogue subject to such security precautions as may be necessary. Members of the Press are given passes and at least one was present at this sale. I regret that difficulties arose at the Woolwich auction referred to in the Questions because of an exceptional demand for catalogues at the last moment. Temporary passes were issued on application by prospective buyers at the factory gate.

Is the Minister aware that whatever he and the Service Departments may say to the contrary, the fact is that a lot of surplus equipment which could be used again is being sold? The best proof of that is that things like ground sheets and military boots are being sold in shops all over the country at many times the price originally paid for them at the auction.

As I have said, my right hon. Friends in charge of the Service Departments assure me that the greatest care is taken to ensure that nothing is declared surplus which is likely to be required by the Services.

Does the Minister really expect the House to believe that none of the Service Departments has any use for blankets at present?

Perhaps the hon. Member is not aware of the condition of the blankets when sold.

Will not the Minister agree that a number of persons were refused admission to the Woolwich auction?

No, Sir. I am informed that that is not so. I understand that two Press representatives were refused admission when they tried to enter by the wrong gate; but if they had applied at the right gate they would have been allowed to go in.

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that before the last war the Service Chiefs assured the Minister and the House that surplus stores were not required, and yet we found, later, that the Territorial Army had no greatcoats and that many in the Services were short of supplies that had been sold? Will he make inquiries before any more sales of these materials take place?

I was not responsible at the beginning of the last war. The most careful investigation is carried out by the only people who can decide the matter, and that is the Service Departments.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that at Launceston many hundreds of blankets were sold during the first week of January at 6s. each and fetched about £2 in the open market? Is that not some measure of the value of such blankets?

If the hon. and gallant Member has in mind a particular item, he must put a Question down to the Service Department concerned.


asked the Minister of Supply whether he is aware that military greatcoats in first-class condition were sold by his officials at 27s. at Woolwich on 5th January; the estimated price of such greatcoats from the manufacturers in mid-1951; and whether there are at the moment sufficient coats in stock to meet any national or military emergency.

We sold 500 khaki greatcoats which were unserviceable for further naval or other service and 900 A.T.S. greatcoats of obsolete pattern. The question of adequacy of stocks is for the Service Department concerned.


asked the Minister of Supply how many auctions of war supplies are arranged by his Department for the coming month; and what supplies will be sold at them.

We expect to hold 10 auctions in February—two for vehicles and eight for miscellaneous stores.

May I congratulate the right hon. Gentleman on having set an entirely unique precedent in the case of this Government of having given a definite answer to something? At the same time, may I ask him whether he will again make certain from the Service Departments that these supplies are no longer needed?

I can assure the hon. Member that the usual very careful scrutiny will take place in the Services about these auctions.

Aircraft And Engines (Production)


asked the Minister of Supply if he will make a statement as to the extent the production of aircraft and engines for the Royal Air Force will, as far as can be seen, be affected by any short supply of materials during the next 12 months.

I do not expect that the production of aircraft and engines for the Royal Air Force will be seriously affected by shortages of materials during the next 12 months.

How can the right hon. Gentleman make a statement like that when Mr. Tom Sopwith recently said something quite to the contrary at the annual general meeting of his company? Has the right hon. Gentleman read his speech?

Radio Valves


asked the Minister of Supply whether, as a result of his recent review, he is in a position to assure the radio valve manufacturers that they will receive adequate supplies of non-ferrous metals to enable them to meet their export, commercial and rearmament commitments.

World supplies of non-ferrous metals are short, and I regret that I cannot give an assurance that adequate quantities will be available to meet all the commitments of the radio valve manufacturers.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that I asked a similar Question last November? Is he aware that I and my hon. Friends have been constantly told all sorts of things, that the Government plans are not yet ready and that the Government do not know what is required, whereas radio valves are badly needed by all the Services for electronic equipment? Does he realise that the requirements of this industry represent only 1 per cent. of the total raw materials of the country and that they should therefore be made available?

I am well aware of that, but the hon. Member has asked for the specific undertaking that there will be sufficient metals available to meet all their exports, commercial and rearmament commitments. I cannot go as far as that.

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether we are to continue the export drive to the detriment of our rearmament programme?

Will the right hon. Gentleman give an undertaking that there will be enough non-ferrous metals for rearmament commitments?

Machine Tools (Reconditioning)


asked the Minister of Supply what steps are being taken to recondition his Department's stock of machine tools and make them available for the re-armament programme.

Suitable machine tools held in stock are being reconditioned and made available for the re-armament programme.

Italy And France (Arms Production)


asked the Minister of Supply what steps are being taken to utilise spare engineering capacity available in Italy or France for the production of armaments.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is examining the extent to which the production of military equipment can be increased in the N.A.T.O. countries, including France and Italy, and the full extent to which supplies in the armament field can be obtained from European countries depends on this review. In advance of the review, however, my Ministry has placed considerable orders in Western Europe. In addition, in the case of sub-contracts, I have impressed on representatives of the British engineering industry the desirability of obtaining the maximum supplies from overseas, particularly Western Europe.

Guided Missiles


asked the Minister of Supply whether he will make a statement on the progress of the guided missile development programme.

If it is not in the public interest to make any statement on progress, is that not a very good case for a Secret Session, so that the matter can be discussed?

Firms (Government Orders)


asked the Minister of Supply what steps he has taken to utilise fully the resources of the motor industry, and to maintain full employment in that industry during the present shortage of steel for the production of motor cars.


asked the Minister of Supply what special arrangements he has made to utilise the services of those firms closed or severely handicapped by the restricted use of various metals for rearmaments.


asked the Minister of Supply what proposals he has in mind for specialist metal-working firms which have been, hitherto, making highly-finished articles for export and are now debarred from getting further supplies of non-ferrous metals to enable them to keep their staffs together.

It is the Government's policy to give orders under its defence programme as far as possible in those areas and to those firms where there is spare capacity and available labour. The extent to which direct Government contracts can be placed at the present moment with firms who are particularly affected by restrictions on the use of metals is limited. But firms receiving orders from my Department are being asked to follow as far as possible the Government's policy when awarding subcontracts. Some movement of labour between firms is, however, inevitable if the rearmament programme is to be met.

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that there is already redundancy of men and machines in the Coventry area, due to the shortage of sheet steel? Will he say when the defence plans for the motor industry will be known, and when new contracts will be issued?

I am aware of the shortage of materials in Coventry and other areas, but it is impossible for me to say when the defence orders will have a definite effect in any particular area.

Will the Minister bear in mind that many of these firms would very much like to take on rearmament orders if they were available? Will he bear in mind that men must be kept in the firms, so that they will be available to meet the rearmament orders?

I appreciate that very much, but most of these firms can only look for sub-contracts, and it is their responsibility to get them.

Does my right hon. Friend mean to say that as the rearmament programme continues there must be unemployment in other industries?

No, Sir, I did not say that. I said that there must be some effect on labour between one industry and another.

Imported Commodities


asked the Minister of Supply which imported commodities are bought on behalf of his Department; and in which cases he has made arrangements for forward deliveries to cover the requirements of British industry in 1951.

Virgin aluminium, magnesium, copper, lead and zinc and finished steel are imported by the Ministry of Supply. Forward deliveries of these metals have been arranged for 1951, but present conditions of rising demand and limited world supplies do not allow me to give an assurance that the full requirements of industry will be met.

Will my right hon. Friend confirm that a firm delivery date is mentioned in these contracts?

No, Sir. According to normal commercial practice, most of these orders do not carry with them a binding delivery date.

Provincial Staffs (Visit To London)


asked the Minister of Supply how many members of his provincial staffs have visited, or will visit, London during January, 1951, to hear addresses given by him; and what is the expense of such visits to his Department.

Two hundred and sixty provincial members of my staff visited London on 12th January, 1951, to attend a meeting which I addressed. The expense to the Department is estimated at about £450.

Does not the right hon. Gentleman consider that in present circumstances this sort of thing is rather a frivolous waste of time?

No, Sir, I consider it of the utmost importance that representatives of all the Ministry of Supply establishments should be told by their Minister how important and responsible their job will be during the coming year.

Atomic Energy (Fuel And Power)


asked the Minister of Supply what contribution is now being made to the fuel and power situation by the atomic energy plants under his control.

Is it not a fact that the Ministry of Supply have under their control the production of atomic energy not only for military purposes but for fuel and power, and is it possible, in view of the possibility of a future recurrence of fuel trouble, for my right hon. Friend to give some hope that atomic energy will be used to assist with fuel and power problems?

Though the matter is being very carefully studied, and a great deal of energy is being put into it, it will be some time before atomic energy can be used for general heating purposes.

Did my right hon. Friend see in the "Daily Herald," about a week ago, that a scientist stated that possibly in the next year or two atomic plant and energy will be used in the Arabian Desert for the purpose of bringing about the industrialisation of that part of the world?

I think that that scientist was rather optimistic. That is a view which would not be borne out by other scientists.

Brabazon Aircraft


asked the Minister of Supply if he will make a statement on the Brabazon project, and on his intentions regarding the completion of the construction of the second aircraft of this type.

The Brabazon project is proceeding satisfactorily, and the second aircraft will be completed.

Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied that the completion of this project will not in any way impede orders placed for military equipment with the Bristol Company? Further, while recognising the value of research on the project, may I ask if he does not think it is time to finish with it and spend the money in other directions?

The answer to the first part of the question is, "Yes, Sir." I am quite satisfied that it will not interfere with the military demands on this firm. I am also satisfied that the completion of this experiment—that is, the building of the second Brabazon, without which the building of the first would have been almost useless—is very well worth while.

Can the right hon. Gentleman say what these planes will be used for when the other is finished?

They may be used for many functions but if they were not used at all the scientific knowledge which has been gained by the building of these planes has already been invaluable, and will be more invaluable when experiments are finished.

Is it not a fact that a number of American aeroplanes at least as large as the Brabazon have flown over to this country quite recently, and is not the scientific knowledge available to the Americans also available to the right hon. Gentleman?

No, Sir, a great deal of new knowledge, which will be quite original, will be gained, particularly after the second Brabazon has been completed and flown.

Motor Cars (Home Market)


asked the Minister of Supply what proposals he has received from the motor industry to ensure a fair distribution of new cars in 1951; and if he will make a statement.

In delivering cars to the home market, the motor industry will continue to give preference to the urgent needs of doctors and midwives. The industry has recently announced the extension of the period of the covenant governing the re-sale of new cars from one year to two years, and has asked distributors and dealers to ensure that, unless there are exceptional circumstances, no new car is supplied to anyone who already has a serviceable post-war car.

Will that rule apply to Government Departments as well as private enterprise?

Government Departments have not had any preference in the supply of cars.

Would the right hon. Gentleman answer the question which I asked him? It is not a question of preference. Private persons who have had new cars in the past few years will not be allowed to have another. Will the same rule apply to Government Departments?

If a Government Department, say, one of the Service Departments, requires new cars, they will be able to get them by placing orders in the ordinary way. Unless it is for defence purposes, a car order will not have any preference over others.

Could my right hon. Friend say how many prosecutions took place during the last year for violation of contract?

House, Alsager (Tenancy)


asked the Minister of Supply whether he will reconsider his decision to evict Mr. G. W. Cooke and his family from the house owned by his Department at 64 Longview Avenue, Alsager, in view of the fact that the local authority has so far been unable to find alternative accommodation for them.

This case has been very carefully considered, and I regret that I cannot alter the decision that Mr. Cooke should give up possession of the house, which is urgently required for key employees of the Ministry of Supply.

Is the Minister aware that Mr. Cooke is an ex-Service man who has suffered from neurosis as a result of his war service? Surely the right hon. Gentleman will not turn an ex-Service man, with a wife and three children into the street. Is this gratitude from the Government to a man who fought for his country?

As the hon. and gallant Gentleman is probably aware, much as one may regret the situation in which Mr. Cooke and his family find themselves, he is, in fact, a trespasser in this house. He does not work in the Royal Ordnance factory, and the house is urgently required for a key worker in the factory.



asked the Minister of Supply if he will make available part of his stocks of blister copper to refineries to replace the scrap copper which they could buy during the first six months of 1950 and which is not now available.

My Department's present arrangements for the refining of blister copper are designed to make the best use of the available material. If, however, the hon. Member has any particular proposition in mind, I should be glad if he would let me have details.

Metals (Supply)


asked the Minister of Supply why he has requested nonferrous metal manufacturers to divert supplies of raw material away from manufacturers making articles classed in his list as inessential.

So that the limited supplies of zinc and copper should be used to make goods of the greatest importance to the national economy.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in trying to make the best use of metal, there is only one real answer to this and that is to get more?

Will the right hon. Gentleman give an undertaking that the cutlery trade in Sheffield, which depends a great deal on copper as its raw material, will be given at least a priority?

I cannot give the undertaking that a special exception will be made for this trade.


asked the Minister of Supply what steps he is taking, in view of rearmament, to obtain the maximum amount of scrap metals.

I intend making orders to control the price and distribution of non-ferrous scrap and discourage hoarding. I hope that these measures will serve to keep scrap fully in circulation. The British Iron and Steel Federation have recently undertaken an intensive drive to secure larger quantities of ferrous scrap from sources in this country and are purchasing from abroad the maximum tonnages available to supplement home supplies.

Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that large quantities of scrap are being sent from the desert clearance scheme in North Africa to Italy? Will he see that this scrap now comes to this country and is not sold in Italy?

Every effort is made to get scrap from any part of the world, and if the hon. and gallant Gentleman has any information about scrap not in our possession I would be grateful if he will pass it on.

Will the Steel Corporation make adequate arrangements to continue the drive after 15th February?

The collection of scrap is being conducted at the moment by the Federation. Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will ask me that question after 15th February.

The hon. Gentleman can be perfectly sure that the Corporation will do everything to encourage the collection of scrap.


asked the Minister of Supply whether, in order to remove uncertainty in the Midland metal industries, he will publish the terms of the guidance given by his Department to non-ferrous metal suppliers on how they should discriminate in making supplies available to different classes of industrial users.

I have issued no guidance beyond the statement which appeared in the Press on 29th December. I then said that it was the Government's policy to assure not only full supplies for re-armament, but also as much as possible for other uses, particularly capital and other goods for the equipment of industry and valuable exports. I asked galvanisers and manufacturers of zinc and brass products, pending the issue of the order prohibiting certain uses, to discriminate as far as practicable in accordance with the Government's views and to give preferential treatment where small quantities are essential to the production of engineering goods of a high conversion value.

Would it not have been more useful to have made the limitation on the concession clear when the officers of this Department met the metal industry's deputation?

Metals (Prohibited Uses)


asked the Minister of supply if he will make a comprehensive statement with regard to his declared intention to prohibit certain uses of some non-ferrous metals, which officers of his department discussed on 12th January with a deputation from the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and other trade bodies from the Midlands.

The use of copper, zinc and copper alloys for a number of non-essential purposes will be prohibited, except under licence, from 1st March. In most cases the prohibition will be effected by statutory order, but in others it will be achieved by arrangement with the industries concerned. The orders, which will be published early next month, will include permission to firms to use between 1st March and 30th June any stocks of semi-fabricated metal and partly processed articles in their possession on 1st March. A provisional list of the uses to be prohibited was issued to the Press on 28th December, 1950.

Does the right hon. Gentleman recollect that officers of his Department offered at the deputation to consider the question of export? Would he give early consideration to this matter, particularly from the point of view of the conversion value of the articles in relation to the original metal?

Is the Minister aware that the measures he has taken to cure the famine, for which his own Department is responsible, could not be worse designed than they are?

Does the right hon. Gentleman appreciate that many small firms in the Midlands are faced with the prospect of closing because, since there has been no gradual transition to war production as there was in 1939, they have not had time to arrange for rearmament work?

It was for that very reason that we extended until 30th June the period within which firms could fabricate articles, so as to give them time to try to substitute some other product of manufacture.

Government Cars, Summerfield


asked the Minister of Supply how many private motor cars of post-war manufacture and the property of His Majesty's Government are stored at his Department's depot, Summerfield, Kidderminster; for what purpose these vehicles were acquired by His Majesty's Government; what is the reason for storage at Summerfield what is the assessed current market value of the vehicles; and how and when the Minister proposes to dispose of these motor cars.


asked the Minister of Supply how long the Austin 16 saloon cars, stored in sheds at his Department's depot at Summerfield, near Kidderminster, have been in this country; what steps were taken to prevent the cars from being affected by the recent snow; and how soon the cars will be repaired and brought back into use.

About 200 cars purchased for the Control Commission for Germany were handed over to my Department for disposal between June and August last year. The cars are in covered storage at Summerfield, and I am satisfied that they are adequately protected. They are being overhauled and repaired and will be issued to Government Departments during this year.

May I have a reply to the last part of Question No. 36, which asks for the value of these cars?

I am rather anxious not to give an estimated value of cars which are retained in Government service, because it may be that similar cars will shortly be declared surplus and sold. If I gave an indication of their price now it obviously would not be in the Government's interests.

In view of this large and unexpected influx of nearly new cars from Germany, is it still the policy of the Minister to continue to purchase new motor cars?

Not if we can possibly help it or recondition cars already in our possession.



asked the Minister of Supply if he has yet decided upon the basis of allocation of zinc for industry in 1951; and if he will state, as a percentage, what quantity of zinc will be supplied to users in relation to their 1950 consumption figures.

The allocation is at present being made monthly. The percentages, based on consumption in the first nine months of 1950, for January and February have been announced in the Press, but I will circulate them in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following are the percentages:

January percentage

February percentage

Good ordinary brand.

For galvanizing brass and zinc oxide5050


For brass8580
For rolled products and zinc oxide7070

High purity.

For diecasting alloy8580