asked the Minister of National Insurance in how many cases in Lincolnshire unemployment benefit has been refused to men and women agricultural workers on the grounds that their employment is seasonal.
I am making inquiries and will write to the hon. and gallant Member.
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asked the Minister of National Insurance (1) if she will allow men and women classed as seasonal farm workers credits when registering as unemployed in the short season when it is difficult for them to secure alternative forms of employment;(2) if she will amend the regulation governing payment of unemployment benefit to men and women classed as seasonal workers in agriculture; and whether she is aware of the hardship experienced by many farm workers who are unable to draw unemployment benefit in the off season.
The position of seasonal workers in agriculture was considered at some length by the National Insurance Advisory Committee, to whose report I would refer my hon. Friend. I am keeping a careful watch on the working of the seasonal workers' Regulations but I cannot undertake to review them at the present stage.