Potato Acreage
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what directions he has given to Scottish farmers as to the proportion of the acreage of potatoes grown in 1950 that is to be grown in 1951; and what steps he is taking to guarantee labour to farmers to lift their crops.
Scottish farmers are being asked through the agricultural executive com- mittees to grow in 1951 about the same acreage of potatoes as they grew in 1950. As in the past all practical steps will be taken to help farmers to secure the harvest labour that they need.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that certain local authorities are passing resolutions which will reduce the amount of child labour available for the lifting of the crops? What steps does he propose to take to deal with the matter? Does he realise that it is necessary to take steps now in order to secure the planting of the crops?
I understand the conflicting objectives which appeal to local authorities—and they are conflicting—but we have experienced a good deal of co-operation. However, I will act as speedily as possible.
What is the good of growing the large acreages of potatoes when at present seed potatoes in Scotland are held up on railway sidings because of the failure of British Railways—for three years in succession—to provide tarpaulin sheets to cover them?
If the hon. Gentleman gives me a specific case, I will look into it. The movement of seed potatoes from Scotland is of great national interest, and I watch it carefully with my right hon. Friends.
In view of the conflicting interests in regard to child labour, is my right hon. Friend taking any steps to reduce child labour and to employ people who will not be denied further education during that period?
My hon. Friend knows that I have never consented to any demand for children which could he met otherwise.
Teachers' Salaries
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what answer he has given to the memorandum of 3rd January from the Scottish Schoolmasters' Association in regard to the inadequacy of the proposed salary increases for the teaching profession; and whether he is prepared to reconsider the draft statutory instruments.
I am considering this memorandum along with other representations which I have received.
Surely the right hon. Gentleman will bear in mind anyhow that the present salary scales are quite inadequate to attract the most suitable entrants to the profession or even to retain the competent teachers already in the profession, with the consequent depression of our traditional educational standards in Scotland?
The hon. and gallant Gentleman knows that I must primarily have regard to the recommendations of the National Joint Council, whose comments, criticisms, and recommendations on that I am still considering.
House Building, Ayrshire
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland why, in recent months, house building in Ayrshire has been delayed by shortages of timber, cement, copper, plaster boards and water pipes; and what steps he is taking to meet this situation.
I have no knowledge that there was any general hold-up. of building progress in Ayrshire last year, but I would be glad if my hon. Friend would give me details of the specific instances he has in mind. Whenever and wherever shortages are disclosed I attempt, along with the Production Department concerned, to repair the deficiencies on the affected site.
Has not my right hon. Friend received a letter from the Ayr County Council saying that the timber shortage is worse than it was in 1950, and can he give an assurance that these deficiencies will be remedied in the near future?
I have a letter from the Ayr County Council referring to one particular matter but now I am asked about a general hold-up, and I repeat that I have no information about a general hold-up.
Is my right hon. Friend aware that, on receipt of a letter from the county clerk, I took the matter up with the Scottish Office over a fortnight ago and listed all the materials mentioned in my hon. Friend's Question, showing that there was a complete shortage and that practically every housing scheme in Ayrshire was being held up?
The letter from the county council referred to a shortage of timber. I am, in addition, investigating a letter from my hon. Friend.
Fishing Gear (Prices)
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what reply he has given to the letter addressed to him on 27th January by the Scottish Inshore White Fish Producers' Association, drawing attention to the recent further increase in the cost of seine net rope and its harmful consequences.
Prices of ropes are kept under review by the Central Price Regulation Committee, but the Government do not control the price of sisal. We are now considering the release of dollars for the purchase of a limited quantity of manilla from which gear having a longer life can be made. I am writing to the Association more fully in this sense and I am sending the hon. Member a copy of my letter.
Does that mean that the Government feel that they are quite powerless to put any brake whatever upon this galloping increase in the price of the fishermen's gear?
I have pointed out repeatedly that the Government, with the co-operation of the trade, were keeping this continuously under exacting review, but over the raw material price, which is determined from outside, we have no direct control.
Law Of Succession (Report)
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has yet received the Report of the Committee on the Law of Succession in Scotland; and, if so, when it will be published.
I have received the Report of this Committee and I hope to present and publish it next week.