Officials (Powers Of Entry)
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the total number of officials authorised to carry out inspections and investigations in private houses and premises without a search warrant.
The number of officials who may exercise statutory powers to enter private houses used exclusively as such is 5,478, of whom 4,484 are officers of the Inland Revenue mainly rating valuation staff; 974 are assessors acting for the War Damage Commission, and 20 are members or officers of the Board of Control.
Can the Chancellor say if that includes all premises—all private premises and business premises as well?
No, Sir, it does not include business premises.
Why not?
Because the Question relates to houses.
Survey Of Sickness, Yorkshire
asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, how many members of the Social Survey Division of the Central Office of Information have been engaged since 1st January, 1951, in carrying out a Survey of Sickness in Yorkshire; what has been the aggregate daily mileage of the members engaged on this work; to what extent Civil Service car units are being used; and what is the estimated cost of this survey.
During January no members of the staff of the Social Survey were engaged on work in Yorkshire, but 15 part-time investigators worked there over 10 days on the Survey of Sickness. Ministry of Supply cars were used in two rural areas, and their aggregate daily mileage was 125. The total cost of the inquiry in the whole of England and Wales in January was £2,636, of which £283 was incurred in Yorkshire.
Is it not very wrong for the Ministry of Supply cars to be used by part-time investigators asking unnecessary questions in private homes?
I understand that the cars are only used in rural areas where public transport is not available.
Will my hon. Friend do nothing to interfere with the extremely valuable work which is being done by this survey?
I think it is clearly necessary to get accurate information about health and sickness.
Is the hon. Gentleman aware that this work is being done perfectly well by the Ministry of Health and that it is a scandalous waste of public money and petrol to use the Ministry of Supply cars for this purpose?
This information was collected on behalf of the Ministry of Health and this is one of the sources from which the Ministry of Health's information is obtained.