South Bank (Layout)
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning if he will make available in the Library the proposed layout proposals for the South Bank of the River Thames between County Hall and Waterloo Bridge including the section where the new Government offices are to be situated.
The London County Council have not yet submitted any detailed plans to me, but they propose to zone this area for public buildings.
In view of the Minister's reply, would he not agree that it is not unfair to suggest that the South Bank Exhibition cannot be continued into 1952 because of the early development of the site for other projects, and will the right hon. Gentleman bring that information to the attention of the Lord President of the Council?
That request is going a little too wide, but I will mention the matter to him.
Coal Working, Astley
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning whether he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT the undertaking, which he obtained last autumn from the National Coal Board, that for at least five years there will be no coal working which could cause any damage to Astley Church or Castle; if he is satisfied that the plans submitted by the Board are consistent with that undertaking; and if he will take all steps within his powers to preserve these ancient buildings from injurious subsidence.
The National Coal Board gave me no undertaking. They told me last June that they estimated that their programme would not take them up to the church and castle for five years; they now think that they may be there in two years. The Board are already taking steps to protect the church, and I am considering the question of protecting the castle.
Did not the right hon. Gentleman write to me on 9th October saying:
If that is not an undertaking, what is?"The Coal Board have now told me that for five years there will be no coal working which will cause any damage to either of these two buildings"?
I do not think we ought to blame the Coal Board for getting on more quickly than they said they would.
Is the Minister aware that the Coal Board have obtained a faculty to sever the tower of the church from the nave and to put each portion on a separate concrete raft, but are not prepared to take any steps whatever for the protection of the castle?
No, Sir. I said that I am looking into that matter myself.
Development Charges
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning whether, in view of the revised development charge exemptions shown in pamphlet No. 1233, dated 11th July, 1950, he will refund development charges already paid by people between the passing of the Act and the above amendment where such charges would not now apply.
No, Sir. I have no power to make regulations with retrospective effect.