asked the Minister of Labour whether he is now in a position to announce the names of the members of the Cost of Living Advisory Committee, which is to be called together again.
I will, with the hon. Member's permission circulate the names of the Committee in the OFFICIAL REPORT.
Can the Minister say how many women have been appointed to the Committee, and whether the Committee will now hold regular meetings?
There is at least one woman, and I hope that the Committee will hold regular meetings.
Will the Minister also circulate the qualifications of these persons, and in particular see whether any one of them represents what might be called the ex-Service man's point of view, in view of the desirability of carrying all sections of the community with him?
The hon. Member will find that the qualifications of the members are stated in the circulated reply, and that they come from a very wide sector of the population. I must say that I do not see that ex-Service men in particular have any special interest in this matter.
Following are the names:
Sir Robert M. Gould, C.B., Chief Industrial Commissioner, Ministry of Labour and National Service ( Chairman).
Professor R. G. D. Allen, O.B.E., Professor of Statistics, London University.
Dr, A. B. Badger, representing the nationalised industries.
Mrs. T. Cazalet-Keir.
Mr. Lincoln Evans, C.B.E., representing the Trades Union Congress.
Mr. J. A. Hough, representing the Cooperative Movement.
Sir Frederick Leggett, C.B.
Mr. A. H. Mathias, C.B.E., representing the Retail Distributive Trades Conference.
Mr. E. C. Ramsbottom, C.B.E., representing the British Employers' Confederation.
Mr. J. R. N. Stone, C.B.E., Director of Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge.
Miss D. S. Tomkinson, O.B.E., J.P., representing the National Federation of Women's Institutes.
Mr. W. Allen, M.B.E., Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Labour and National Insurance, Northern Ireland.
Mr. M. Compton, Director of Statistics and Intelligence, Ministry of Food.
Mr. J. M. Fearn, Economic Adviser, Scottish Office.
Mr. R. F. Fowler, C.B.E., Director of Statistics, Ministry of Labour and National Service.
Mr. C. T. Saunders, Assistant Secretary, Central Statistical Office.
Mr. J. Stafford, Director of Statistics, Board of Trade.