asked the Minister of Agriculture what is the acreage and number of part-time smallholdings at the latest convenient date; what were the corresponding figures a year ago; and how many part-time smallholdings have been amalgamated to form larger full-time holdings, since the publication of the Report of the Smallholdings Advisory Council.
Until the returns now being received from smallholdings authorities are complete, the only available figures for the whole of England and Wales relate to January, 1949, when there were 9,288 part-time holdings. The acreage involved is not known. The information mentioned in the last part of the Question will not be available before authorities have reported on their proceedings for the year to the end of March next.
asked the Minister of Agriculture how many counties have submitted smallholding schemes under Part 4 of the Agriculture Act, 1947; how many holdings have been approved; and what is the total acreage.
Twenty-six counties have submitted 96 schemes providing 341 additional holdings; and so far 147 holdings have been approved on 6,653 acres.