asked the Minister of Agriculture what grant his Department proposes to make towards the cost of the measures necessary to prevent a recurrence of the flooding of the River Irwell that took place in 1946, in view of the fact that the Salford Corporation have been called upon to contribute £23,000, equal to a 6d. rate, towards the cost.
I have reconsidered this matter and, in all the circumstances, am prepared to agree, without prejudice to the question of grant on future schemes, that a grant at the rate of 15 per cent. towards the cost of the current scheme should be made to the Rivers Mersey and Irwell Catchment Board.
Will the Minister have another look at this matter and receive a deputation from the Corporation to consider the question with regard to the scheme that is to cost £70,000, with no grant from the Government at all?
I understand that the catchment board have undertaken to make a very large contribution towards it. Therefore, the grant from the catchment board, the grant from the local authority and a Government grant of 15 per cent. will cover the estimated cost of £70,000.
Is that towards the larger scheme costing over £750,000, or the present scheme of £70,000?
This refers only to the scheme that may prevent flooding of private dwellings and not to the larger scheme.
Owing to the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter at the first opportunity on the Adjournment.