asked the Attorney-General whether a decision has yet been reached as to the nature of the body to be established to inquire into the issues raised by the case of the Reverend J. G. MacManaway and its terms of reference.
No, Sir. We have been examining the general question of Parliamentary disqualifications, although with special reference to those which most frequently arise in practice, namely, disqualifications owing to the holding of an office of profit or a contract with the Crown. We have not yet decided what would be the most appropriate body for considering the question of clerical disqualification.
Could the learned Attorney say when it is likely that a decision will be reached on this matter?
I should not like to tie myself down. It is a subject of quite unusual complexity and a good deal of controversy.
Does the right hon. and learned Gentleman recognise the rather ridiculous distinction between clergymen of the Church of Ireland and clergymen of the Church of Wales, and the urgency of correcting an error which came from an archaic Act passed over 100 years ago?
We realise that there is an anomaly under the existing law—not of our making—but the question is how best to remedy it.