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West Indies

Volume 484: debated on Wednesday 21 February 1951

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Antigua (Historic Buildings)


asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware of the bad state of repair of the historic buildings of Lord Nelson's dockyard at English Harbour, Antigua: and whether he will open a fund or otherwise take steps to make their restoration possible.

I am already in consultation with the Governor about the state of repair of these buildings.

Caribbean Union (Commission)


asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what steps have been taken by His Majesty's Government towards implementing the recommendations of the Commission upon the Unification of Public Services in the British Caribbean: and what further steps it is proposed to take.

The report of the Commission has been referred to the Governors of the territories concerned for consideration by the Legislatures. Only the Legislative Council of St. Vincent has yet completed consideration of the report, and it has approved the Commission's recommendations. The implementation of the report depends primarily on the decisions of the Legislatures, and it has been made clear that His Majesty's Government have no wish to prejudge or influence those decisions.

While I agree that this is a matter for the Legislatures, as there seems to be a likelihood of general approval of these reforms cannot the Secretary of State urge the Legislatures to complete their discussions as soon as possible?

I am sure that the hon. Member will appreciate and will agree with me that in a matter of this kind, beyond commending it to their earnest consideration, I do not think we should try to bring pressure upon them to speed up their consideration.

Singapore (Riots)


asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies why military forces were not called upon to quell the riots in Singapore unti11 o'clock on Tuesday morning, 12th December, when the police had completely lost control of the situation early in the afternoon of Monday, 11th December.

I should prefer not to comment on matters which are within the terms of reference of the Commission of Inquiry, and which must, therefore, be regarded as sub judice for the moment.

While appreciating that position, will the Minister give an assurance that if circumstances of a like kind were to arise again in the meantime, the military would be called out without delay?

I prefer not to make any statement upon this matter until the Commission of Inquiry have completed their task and have reported.

Will the Minister say when he expects the inquiry to be completed?

No, Sir, but as the hon. and gallant Gentleman will have seen from Press reports, the Commission have begun their work and are taking evidence in public.

Does the Minister realise that a very prominent Straits paper stated that the loss of life and the damage to property and to the reputation of the Colony were very great? In those circumstances, will the right hon. Gentleman give an undertaking that adequate steps will immediately be taken to suppress any rising that may occur between now and when the Commission reports?