asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many of the 1,887 houses built in the Highlands in 1950, were burghal; how many landward; and how many were in connection with land settlement.
The latest information shows that 1,894 houses were built in the Highlands in 1950. Of these 809 were in burghs and 1,085 in landward areas. Three of the landward houses were in connection with land settlement.
Has there been any attempt to implement the recommendations of the Land Settlement Report made at the end of the late war, and does the Minister intend to take any further steps in this matter?
We have not yet decided to launch any large-scale land settlement scheme. We have rather been playing it down, for reasons which are well known to the noble Lord, since the end of the war.
What percentage of the total demand in the Highlands area do these 1,894 houses represent?
I could not say offhand, but the demand has been more adequately met since the war than it was before.
May we have a translation of the terms "burghal" and "landward," for the benefit of the English Members?