asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what the minimum rate of pay is at the Royal Naval explosives factory at Holton Heath.
The minimum rate of pay for an adult workman at Royal Naval Cordite Factory, Holton Heath, is 103s. a week.
Is the Minister aware that the information I have is that the minimum wage is 90s.?
No. Probably the hon. Member was told before the recent increases were granted.
Are not these rates very low for this valuable and dangerous work? Are they not supplemented by benefits in kind or allowances?
The rates are negotiated in the same way as all other rates for Admiralty employees, and compare favourably with outside interests.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what members of the staff of the Royal Naval explosives factory at Holton Heath are in receipt of danger money.
No member of the staff of the Royal Naval Cordite Factory, Holton Heath, is in receipt of danger money.
Then why is it necessary to surround many of the buildings with large mounds of earth?
It is necessary to surround them to save them from damage in the event of an explosion taking place.
If there is danger of an explosion should not the men working in the mound be in receipt of danger money?
In any cordite or ammunition factory there is a risk of danger. On the question of pay, the best way of dealing with these applications for better wages and conditions is through the men's trade unions.
If danger money were offered would it not be much more difficult to get people to work in these places? Is it not also the case that these places are not nearly as dangerous as walking on a London street?