asked the Minister of Transport to what extent the fact that fewer children were last year killed on the roads may be attributed to the road safety campaign; and whether he will ask those concerned in carrying out the campaign to continue their efforts and so still further reduce the toll on children.
I have no doubt that the road safety campaign has contributed largely to the reduction in the number of fatal accidents to children. I am most grateful to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, the local road safety committees, the teachers and the police who have done so much to bring about this heartening reduction. The training of children in safe and sensible conduct on the roads is not only a protection to them now but should yield an increasing dividend in future years as the number of adults who have had safety training in their most impressionable years increases. The results already achieved will encourage all those concerned, and I am sure that I can rely upon them to continue their efforts to reduce still further the toll of children's lives.