Exported Paper Bags
asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will adopt a sliding scale for the calculation of drawback of duty on exported paper bags.
As the trade interests concerned have already been informed, we are ready to consider this proposal sympathetically as soon as we receive from them certain additional information for which they have been asked.
Is my hon. Friend aware that very valuable export trade is being lost as a result of the lack of this sliding scale? Will he do his best to get an early agreement with the trade?
We are awaiting a reply from the trade association and as soon as we get that we shall try to reach an agreement.
Trade Commissioners
asked the President of the Board of Trade how many trade commissioners and assistant trade commissioners have been appointed since 1945; and what steps were taken before the appointments were made to make sure that they were qualified for their work.
Since 1945, 49 and 56 appointments have been made to the rank of trade commissioner and assistant trade commissioner respectively. Of these appointments 33 and 28 were to new posts, the remainder being to fill vacancies in existing posts. Before appointment, each candidate appears before a selection board which is so constitued as to ensure that full consideration is given to all the qualities which the work requires.
Although I have no personal knowledge of this, is the Minister aware that it is stated that many of those appointed have no qualifications whatever and know nothing at all about the job? Will he look into the matter again?
That is certainly contrary to all the information we have. Perhaps I can refer the hon. Member to the remarks of his hon. Friend the Member for Southgate (Mr. Baxter) in a recent debate on Anglo-Canadian trade.