House Of Commons
Tuesday, 1st May, 1951
The House met at Half past Two o'Clock
[Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair]
Private Business
Canterbury Extension Bill Lords
As amended, considered; to be read the Third time.
Worcester Corporation Bill
As amended, considered; to be read the Third time.
Oral Answers To Questions
British Army
Ammunition (Dumping)
1 and 2.
asked the Secretary of State for War (1) from what ammunition dumps the ammunition which is being deposited in the sea off the Mull of Galloway comes; from what port it is shipped; and by what form of transport it is conveyed to that port;
(2) whether he can give an assurance that the ammunition dumped off the Mull of Galloway constitutes no danger either to shipping or to persons on the beaches of Scotland.This ammunition comes from many War Department, Air Ministry and Ministry of Supply depôts throughout Great Britain and it is conveyed to the military port of Cairnryan, Wigtownshire, by rail. Steps are taken to ensure that all packages sink within three seconds of entry into the water and they are dumped in a depression in the seabed specially selected for this purpose. The area provides the maximum precaution against the subsequent movement of ammunition due to tidal currents and the possibility of any packages being thrown up on the beaches.
The hon. Gentleman has said that the ammunition is conveyed by rail. Can he give an assurance that none is conveyed by road?
Yes, Sir.
Would it not be better to try to recover much of the scrap metal of this ammunition instead of throwing it to the bottom of the sea at a time like this?
It is only dumped when we are satisfied that it is non-acceptable for breaking down. That would be because it was uneconomical to do so or unsafe.
Are we going to fight the next war without ammunition?
We should not fight with ammunition which would be unsafe for those using it.
Printing And Photographic Department
3 and 4.
asked the Secretary of State for War (1) what expert examination was made into the control of equipment and materials in his printing and photographic department as undertaken in the House of Commons on 20th March, 1950; what action followed; and with what results;
(2) when the loss of three cameras was first noticed by his printing and photographic department; whether he can account for their disappearance; and when the police were informed.An examination was conducted by the appropriate branch of the War Department and measures for the improved control of equipment and materials were put into effect. Special instructions issued at that time also laid down that all equipment would be accounted for in detail. These accounts were subject to audit. The loss of the three cameras was discovered at a weekly check held on 2nd April. Despite investigations which have been carried out departmentally, the loss remains unaccounted for. The matter was put in the hands of the police, who had previously been asked to circulate particulars of the missing cameras, on 26th April.
In view of this further serious matter following on the grave irregularity in the case of work done for Glass Developments, Ltd., in War Office time and with War Office materials, will the hon. Gentleman be prepared to make a statement to the House as soon as the investigation has been carried through?
The audit to which I referred in my answer is immediately about to be held. I think that I should be in a better position to reply to the hon. Gentleman's supplementary question when that report is completed.
Record Office, Perth (Officials' Visit)
asked the Secretary of State for War what was the purpose of the visit of two women officials from the War Office to the Record Office, Perth, on Wednesday, 11th April; what was the length of their stay in Perth; and what was the cost to public funds of their visit.
One male clerk and one female assistant welfare officer visited Perth Record Office on 11th April for one day to interview a group of young women who are to be trained in London as machine operators for work in Perth. The clerk went to give information about the training course and to deal with questions and arrangements regarding pay and allowances. The welfare officer went to explain the arrangements that would be made for lodging the girls in London and to answer any questions from them or their parents. The cost of their visit was £17 8s.
Does not the hon. Gentleman think that this is a most disgraceful waste of public money? Why could not they have written to the commanding officer and given him the details? Is he not capable of looking after these eight people under his command?
These girls are recruited and trained as part of the process of mechanising the record offices. We have found that it is not satisfactory to bring them to the training courses in London unless proper arrangements are made for their accommodation and that both they and their parents are satisfied that has been done. The parents have expressed appreciation of what was done in this case. I think that they would be rather surprised at the attitude taken by the hon. and gallant Member. If Questions are asked about every routine visit of administration in a Department, it will impose such a burden by way of keeping records that it will make economy impossible.
If Questions are asked about these matters, may it not reduce a lot of very unnecessary expenditure?
This one certainly would not, because this was both necessary and proper expenditure.
What is the purpose of having an officer in charge of records if he is not able to do this?
This was a question of personal explanation of the arrangements made in London. That was why it was necessary to send officials down.
Troops, Korea And Malaya
asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that reservists serving in Korea have been notified that they have been divided into four groups for return to this country, and that the last of these groups will return in December; if he will state the basis on which men have been allocated to the various groups; and if he will give an assurance that the last of them will be home by Christmas.
The basis upon which detailed plans for the release of reservists are being worked out in Korea is that those reservists who have completed a total of 12 years combined colour and reserve service shall be returned first, followed by Class B reservists on the basis of length of total service, followed by Class A reservists on the same basis. These principles are, however, subject to the over-riding proviso that the detailed run-out of reservists by units, within the period stated, may be regulated as necessary by the theatre concerned, in order to maintain operational efficiency. As regards the last part of the Question, I regret that no such assurance can be given, since the last reservists are not planned to leave Korea until December.
Can my hon. Friend say whether there is any priority for married men with families in any of these groups? Would it be possible to meet the very natural wishes of the men, and to allay the disappointment felt at home?
No, Sir. We felt that the right principle to adopt was that which I have explained.
Will the Minister bear in mind the special case of those reservists who, in the last war, were prisoners of war of the Japanese and see that they are returned home among the very earliest groups?
I do not think we could bring in considerations like that without causing more injustice than we were trying to remove.
Is it not a fact that a famous American general promised all the men serving in Korea that they would be home by last Christmas, never mind next Christmas?
Can my hon. Friend say whether the dates which have been given—September, October and November, etc.—are firm dates?
Yes, Sir.
asked the Secretary of State for War what Scots newspapers, Sunday and weekday, are supplied to British troops serving in Korea and Malaya, respectively.
No weekday newspapers are supplied to Korea or Malaya. Sunday newspapers are supplied by the War Office in accordance with requests from Commands. Ninety-seven copies of the Scottish "Sunday Post" are supplied to Malaya; no Scottish Sunday newspapers have been asked for by the forces in Korea.
Is the hon. Gentleman aware that what these men really want are additional copies of the "News of the World"?
asked the Secretary of State for War to state the exact terms of the regulation under which men sent to Malaya may not be engaged in active operations until a certain period of local training and acclimatisation has been completed.
No regulations on this subject have been issued by the War Office but it is the policy of General Headquarters, Far East Land Forces, that reinforcements arriving in Far East Land Forces should not be sent on operations before they have been in the Command for four weeks for acclimatisation and for training in the jobs they are likely to do in jungle operations.
Quite recently the Under-Secretary of State said he would look into this matter again to see if six weeks could be made the minimum period of training. Has he looked into it yet?
Inquiries on that are proceeding.
Ex-Miners (Release)
asked the Secretary of State for War how many applications he has received from ex-miners for release from the Army under his present regulations; and how many such releases have been granted to men serving inside and outside the country, respectively.
I understand that up to 28th April, 1951, 1,233 applications had been received by the National Coal Board from serving soldiers. Seven hundred and sixty-three have been found acceptable by the National Coal Board and are in the process of being released. I cannot say how many of the men involved were serving inside or outside this country. Seventy-five applications have either been withdraw or rejected. The remaining applications are under consideration by the National Coal Board.
Can the Minister say when he will be able to let the House know how many men who were in this class have been withdrawn from units overseas, apart from those serving at home?
We shall have to wait until we make sure that the total applications coming in are received.
Why is it that three, four and five months are passing before these men can be returned to the mining industry? Is it due to some defect in the War Office or in the Record Office? Why is it?
If my hon. Friend will refer to the debate which took place on 6th April last, he will see that there is no serious delay in the matter.
Can the Minister give an undertaking that they will resume work in the mines? After they get back into the mines, if they leave that employment quite shortly, is any action taken?
Would my hon. Friend consider extending the regulations to cover all the cases of miners in the Services and not just a limited class?
No, Sir.
Would the matter be expedited if some officials were sent to explain all this to the men?
No, Sir.
Married Quarters, Streatlam Camp
asked the Secretary of State for War why it was necessary to site the married quarters now being built at Streatlam Camp in the manner of ribbon development along the Barnard Castle-Staindrop road and to set them at such unusual angles from the line of the road; and whether the planning authority was given the opportunity of commenting on the layout.
Access to these eight pairs of quarters is from within the married quarters estate and not from the main road and the quarters will eventually be screened from the main road by trees. The siting is not, therefore ribbon development. The quarters have been arranged to conform to the natural contours of the ground. The layout was agreed by the local authority.
Will the Minister bear in mind that this was one of the very beautiful corners in the constituency of the Minister of Local Government and Planning? Will he try to ensure that when additions are made to this camp, which was originally built under the stress of war conditions, the architecture and the layout will be a credit to the War Office? These married quarters, in spite of the excuses put forward by the hon. Gentleman, certainly are not.
I cannot agree with the hon. Gentleman that when this work is complete, the natural beauty of the district will be in any way spoiled. My view appears to be also the view of the local authority.
Are we to take it that any form of ribbon development, provided it has trees planted in front of it, ceases to be ribbon development?
No. The hon. and gallant Gentleman did not understand what I was saying. It is not only because of the trees, but because it is part of a whole estate of married quarters.
Military Attachés (Allowances)
asked the Secretary of State for War what entertainment and other allowances are paid to military attachés of the rank of GSO I, attached to His Majesty's Embassies abroad; and what increases or decreases in scales have been brought into operation over the last two years.
All military attachés receive consolidated allowances, known as station allowances. These fluctuate with the expenses of living in the various countries to which the attachés are accredited. Numerous adjustments have been made in recent years.
Is the hon. Gentleman quite sure that his Department has not in any case made adjustments down when the cost of living in the country concerned has been rising?
There have been only two cases of adjustments down. One was due to a local devaluation and the other to a local fall in the cost of living.
Class Z Reserve
asked the Secretary of State for War if he will announce a fixed upper age-limit for Class Z recall.
So far as recall for training this year is concerned, the upper age limit is 45 years. With regard to recall for training in later years, or in the event of general mobilisation, I would refer the hon. Member to the replies given by my right hon. Friend to the hon. Member for Kidderminster (Mr. Nabarro) on 24th April.
If 45 is suitable as a call-up ceiling for this year, why should it not be adopted as a general policy for future years? If that is the policy, why does not the hon. Gentleman say so quite definitely?
There is a difference between what is probable and likely, and what it would be wise to say with certainty in view of the present uncertainty.
Would the Undersecretary of State consider trying to make some decision on the matter, even if the age were unduly high, because if there is no ceiling at all the Class Z reservists who might think of joining the Home Guard or Civil Defence cannot do so because they are unaware of the upper age limit?
We are considering this matter.
asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will arrange that men serving under the Z scheme can claim a refund of their season ticket cost for the period of their 15 days' service.
This is a matter for the British Transport Commission. I have asked them whether in such circumstances a refund would be considered.
asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that militia men are not being recalled upon Class Z, while those men who volunteered for service in the Territorial Army before 1939 are being recalled; and if he will explain why this is happening.
I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply given by my right hon. Friend to the hon. Member for Harrow, East (Mr. Ian Harvey) on 24th April.
Is my hon. Friend aware that that answer is of little help to me? I have cases of this differentiation, and I believe that it offends against our sense of fair play. Will he have another look at the matter?
There would not be much purpose in my saying that I would have another look at the matter. If my hon. Friend will study my answer, he will see that the differentiation springs not from any administrative action by the War Department but from the terms of Acts of Parliament.
asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware of the extent to which undergraduates and students are being called up for Z Reserve duties during their term-time; and whether he will reconsider the dismissal of their appeals.
I cannot say how many undergraduates and students who are Z reservists are being called up for training this year. Generally speaking, exemption is granted in the case of undergraduates due to be called up in term-time, and in the case of other students when call-up would prejudice their chances of success at examinations which are essential to their career or to the continuance of their studies.
Is it not extremely extravagant to force young men who are undergoing scientific or technological training to have an extra term at their place of education because of a fortnight's interruption in the term they were attending, and would it not be an economy for the country as well as for the parents if this were postponed?
It is not always necessary for the man to have an extra term because of the extraction of a fortnight from one term. If in any particular case it would cause him exceptional injury, that is exactly the kind of case where we should cancel the recall.
The request has been turned down.
asked the Secretary of State for War what principle has been followed in allocating to an arm of the Service for training Z reservists who served for the greater part of the last war in one arm but who were transferred to another arm for the last few months of their service.
These reservists will be called up for training with the arm which they were serving at the time of their release.
Would it not be very much better, both for the individual and the nation, to take advantage of his long period of service during the war, instead of calling that man up to an arm in which he served for possibly only two or three months at the end of the war, when he was doing mainly administrative duties? This arrangement involves re-training a man in that new arm, which defeats the whole purpose of the Z call-up.
Owing to the transfer which occurred at the end of his war service, he would already have been re-trained for the arm to which he had been transferred.
Civilian Employees, Canterbury
asked the Secretary of State for War why 10 industrial civilian employees at the Buffs Depot, Canterbury, are to be discharged from their employment.
Notice of discharge was given to these men because the unit employing them was moving away from Canterbury. At the time notice was given, the employees were told that it might be possible for the incoming unit to keep them in employment. All the men concerned have, in fact, been offered and have accepted continued employment with the incoming unit.
British Cemeteries, Eastern Europe
asked the Secretary of State for War if he will describe the efforts made by the Imperial War Graves Commission to arrange for officials to visit British cemeteries of the 1939–45 War in Hungary, Bulgaria and Roumania; what explanation the Governments of these countries have given for their refusal to allow these graves to be visited; and what further action he intends to take.
His Majesty's diplomatic representatives in Bulgaria and Roumania have made representations on this subject on behalf of the Imperial War Graves Commission. No reply could be elicited from Bulgaria. The Roumanian Government stated that they could not see the need for such visits and promised that every facility would be given for a member of His Majesty's Legation at Bucharest to supervise the graves. In the case of Hungary, the cemetery at Budapest was inspected on two occasions by an official of the Commission prior to 1949. The Imperial War Graves Commission, acting on behalf of their constituent Governments, will continue to seek the advice of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in determining the further action to be taken.
Would the hon. Gentleman inform the Governments of those three countries that their attitude is deeply resented by the next-of-kin of the British subjects who gave their lives in the last great war? Does he intend to take further action?
I share, as I think we all do, the feelings of the hon. and gallant Gentleman, but I think he will agree that this a matter in which we should proceed in consultation with the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
Have the Government taken advantage of the proposal of the Roumanian Government, and has a report been received from our legation on whether the cemeteries in Roumania are being properly looked after?
I have no information about it.
Are these cemeteries being looked after, and if so, by whom?
We believe that they are being looked after, but in view of what I have said, it is difficult to be certain.
Range, Arborfield Garrison
asked the Secretary of State for War why two miles have been fixed as the miximum distance from a garrison station for a mortar and grenade range.
The maximum distance depends on the training syllabus of the unit. I assume that the hon. Member's Question relates to the range required for the Arborfield Garrison, This garrison has a very full syllabus and time cannot be afforded to enable National Service men undergoing technical training to march further than about one or two miles.
Is this to take entire precedence over the amenities and wishes of the neighbourhood, especially when there is an entirely suitable range only three miles from the garrison?
As I expect the hon. Gentleman knows, that is a matter which is now under inquiry.
Retained Regulars
asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware of the concern felt by many Regular Service men who, after serving seven years with the Colours and five years on the Reserve, are being retained, while others, after a service of two or three years, are being released; and whether he will take the necessary action to alter this.
No Regular soldier on a normal engagement is being released after serving only two or three years except on compassionate or medical grounds warranting premature discharge.
The Minister has undoubtedly missed the crux of the matter, which is that the man who has served seven years with the Colours and five years in the Service while being on the Reserve has done 12 years altogether. Does not the Minister think that after that period a man should be allowed to contract out if he so desires?
That was not the Question which my hon. Friend asked. He asked about men being released after two or three years, and I pointed out that there are none.
Small Arms (Calibre)
asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the adoption of the.280 rifle, the Vickers and Bren.303 automatics will also be replaced.
The Vickers machine gun firing present type.303 ammunition will remain in service until it is replaced by an entirely new weapon. The Bren light machine gun is also to be replaced, but in the interim period a sufficient number will be adapted to fire.280 ammunition.
Will not very great disadvantages occur if we stumble into a war within the next year or two and have an Army using two types of small arms ammunition simultaneously?
That is, of course, one of the factors which had to be borne in mind when we decided to make the change to the automatic rifle, but the balance of advantage was decidedly in favour of the change.
In view of the difference of opinion between the Leader of the Opposition and the Minister of Defence about the efficiency of these rifles, can the hon. Gentleman arrange a duel to test them out?
Has there been any international agreement about the calibre of the Service rifle? For instance, has there been any consultation with America and France? If so, do these countries also propose to adopt a rifle with a similar calibre?
That was dealt with recently by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Defence. There were, of course, very full consultations.
Can my hon. Friend say how long this intervening period will be?
No, Sir.
Does the hon. Gentleman realise that the.303 rifle has stood us in good stead for two wars and that if we now change we shall probably find ourselves without an adequate rifle for the next one?
Territorial Officers (Resignations)
asked the Secretary of State for War in what circumstances officers in the Territorial Army Reserve of Officers are at present entitled to resign their commissions.
Officers of the Territorial Army Reserve of Officers who joined the Territorial Army since its re-constitution in 1947, and previously had no liability to recall for service during the present emergency, are permitted to resign their commissions if they wish.
On the other hand, officers who have a liability to recall until the end of the current emergency under the Armed Forces (Conditions of Service) Act, 1939, or who, before appointment to the Territorial Army, had such a liability under the National Service Acts, 1939–45, are not normally permitted to resign until they reach the age for removal from the Reserve, become medically unfit or take up permanent residence overseas.Is it worth while putting officers into a unit when it is unlikely that they will be called up in the event of an emergency owing to a change of circumstances?
That may apply to some of these officers, but I do not think it would be a reason for altering the general policy.
Regular Officers (Resignations)
asked the Secretary of State for War when the ban on the resignation of Regular officers is likely to be lifted.
Instructions have now been issued allowing Regular officers who are under the age for compulsory retirement to apply to resign or retire voluntarily. No Regular officer will, however, be allowed to leave the active list, except in compassionate circumstances, before 1st January, 1952. After that date it is intended to permit retirement or resignation, but the number of applications which are approved and the dates on which officers will be permitted to leave the active list will be so controlled by the War Office as to ensure that the efficiency of the Army is not impaired.
Will the Minister consider as soon as possible some scheme which will give individuals definite dates in the same way as those who are retained in the Forces beyond their period of engagement?
I hope that we shall be able to do that.
Rifle Ammunition
asked the Secretary of State for War what will be the saving of weight of ammunition carried by the soldier as a result of the introduction of the.280 rifle; what are the respective weights of the new rifle and of the pattern now in use.
The introduction of the.280 round will effect a 20 per cent. saving in weight as compared with the present.303 round. This will enable the soldier's load to be reduced or, alternatively, will allow a larger amount of ammunition to be carried by the individual. The new self-loading rifle will weigh only a few ounces less than the present bolt-operated single shot weapon, which weighs 8 lb. 13 oz.
Is it not a fact that an automatic weapon of this type will mean that more ammunition must be carried and, therefore, the point about the saving of weight is not really worth very much, if anything?
It is of limited application but, as was pointed out by my right hon. Friend, one of the most powerful advantages is the greater number of rounds per minute which can be fired from this weapon.
Will the hon. Gentleman make it clear whether this is an automatic rifle or an automatic loading rifle? They are quite different things and it certainly makes a difference to the number of rounds fired?
It is a self-loading rifle.
Soldiers (Burial Arrangements)
asked the Secretary of State for War whether his Department will provide free transport overseas for one or two parents to attend the burial of soldier sons killed while on European service in peace-time.
This matter has been carefully considered by all the Service Departments during the last few years. It has, however, been decided to adhere to the arrangements in force before the war, which allowed rail travel to military funerals at public expense only within the United Kingdom.
Will the hon. Gentleman look at this position again? It is not fair to people who want to attend the burial of their son and cannot bring the body back because they cannot afford it. Does he not realise that this could be done quite easily?
I assure the hon. Gentleman that we have looked at this matter very carefully. Whatever decision we take, we have to draw the line between some theatres and others, and I cannot feel that the present arrangement is any less acceptable than the alternative would be.
In considering the matter, did the hon. Gentleman ascertain what the cost of this concession would be, and, if he did, can he tell the House what it is?
I did at the time, but I am afraid that I cannot give it now without notice.
asked the Secretary of State for War what estimate he has made of the cost of returning from Germany to Scotland the body of a soldier killed while on European service.
The cost of returning the body of a soldier from Germany to Harwich is estimated at £40 11s. The cost of transport from Harwich to Scotland will, of course, vary according to the actual destination. In the case of Glasgow the additional cost would be £43 17s. 3d.
Will the Under-Secretary say whether that second £43 is inclusive, or will the cost be approximately £80? Is he aware that his Department told me that the cost would be between £100 and £120, and can he say how much of that cost his Department is prepared to bear?
With regard to the first part of that supplementary question, the £43 is additional. As the House knows, it is not the policy of the Department to bear this cost, but we have made representations, and British Railways have made a special reduction, which is why the figure is what it is.
Camp, Willsworthy Down
asked the Secretary of State for War if he is now in a position to say when the barbed wire will be removed from the derelict prisoner-of-war camp, Willsworthy Down.
Tenders have been invited and it is expected that this barbed wire will be removed shortly.
Soldiers' Families, Germany (Milk)
asked the Secretary of State for War what provision is made for the children of men serving with the British Army of the Rhine to obtain fresh milk.
All milk for the families of British forces in Germany has to be tinned, as it is not possible to obtain and distribute safe fresh supplies.
I understand that the American forces in Germany are able to get fresh milk which is brought for them from Denmark. Cannot the same arrangements be made for the British Forces in the British zone?
We inquired into the possibility of supplies of fresh milk from Denmark. We had to abandon it partly on grounds of cost, but partly because it was not possible to distribute the milk before it went bad.
Is it not a fact that the tuberculosis rate in Western Germany is the lowest in Europe, including this country?
I could not say that without notice, but our medical advice is that the fresh milk in Germany would not be safe.
Waiting Lists
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning to state the estimated time required to provide all those applicants on the waiting lists with houses, assuming that the current rate of building is maintained.
I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to the hon. Member for Shrewsbury (Mr. Langford-Holt) on 13th March.
Empty Houses (Requisitioning)
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning whether he will restore to local authorities the general power to requisition empty properties for re-housing purposes without his previous sanction in each individual case.
No, Sir.
Is the Minister aware that there are quite a number of houses in Lambeth and in many other parts of London which are for sale but have curtains still in the windows to make it appear that they are still occupied? Is he further aware that general powers of requisition would much more speedily relieve the housing shortages than the slower method of compulsory purchase of individual properties?
At present authorities have to get the permission of my Department in order to requisition. It is a very proper regulation in my view, because it costs a lot to requisition property. I am always prepared to consider cases on their merits.
May I ask the Minister, particularly in view of the last part of his answer to my hon. and gallant Friend, whether he is prepared to hold a conference with the local authorities with a view to an examination of this problem, especially from the point of view of whether too much is not being paid in compensation rents?
I am always glad to meet representatives of the local authorities on matters of this kind. The point is that the cost of requisitioning falls totally on the Treasury and not at all on the local authority.
Is the Minister aware that many prospective Socialist councillors are trying to pretend that it is the fault of the Conservatives that houses cannot be requisitioned?
I should not think so.
Is my right hon. Friend aware that there is great concern throughout the country because of the inability to get vacant houses for letting, and because all of them are being offered for sale at extortionate prices? Can he suggest a remedy for this?
I am quite conscious of the difficulty.
Is not the real solution to allow more houses to be built by private enterprise?
That has no bearing whatever on the Question.
Is my right hon. Friend aware that local authorities are loath to offer small houses to people who are living at the moment in large houses because those houses are immediately sold when they are vacated, and the lists of the local authorities are not reduced at all because of that position?
Telephonists, Crawley
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning whether an allocation of houses for male telephonists is contemplated in the plans for Crawley satellite town.
No special allocation will be made, but the New Town Corporation are in touch with the postmaster regarding the housing needs of his staff.
Would not the Minister agree that in a planned community of this kind some special steps should be made to provide this accommodation for key personnel at an early stage?
It has all been perfectly planned, and the hon. and gallant Member will be interested to hear that only one additional male telephonist will be required before the end of 1952.
Rent Restriction Acts
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning when he intends to give effect to the undertaking of his predecessor in 1949 to amend and consolidate the Rent Restriction Acts.
Not in this Parliament, I should think.
Does that answer mean that the right hon. Gentleman is completely abdicating his responsibilities to clear up this appalling and chaotic mess of legislation?
No, it means that I shall be very slow to raise the rent of eight million families.
That was not the Question I asked.
Prefabricated Bungalows (Sinks)
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning how many prefabricated bungalows transferred to local authorities by his Department were fitted with galvanised sinks.
Ten thousand, six hundred and seventy-six.
Can the right hon. Gentleman say how many other local authorities, apart from Wembley and Sevenoaks, have complained about these defective sinks? As they are original defects and not a question of maintenance and repair, would not the right hon. Gentleman's Department review again the complaints which have been made against these sinks?
The only note I have here is about a complaint from Wembley, but I will certainly inquire whether any other authorities have made similar complaints and we will look further into the matter. I am advised that the problem is that these sinks are thought to rust more readily than certain others.
Licences, Sheffield
42 and 43.
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning (1) how many licences for the building of houses have been granted to the City of Sheffield since 23rd October, 1950; and what is the annual rate of licences for the city at the moment;
(2) whether he will now issue sufficient licences for housebuilding to the City of Sheffield to enable the rate of building to be stepped up to 2,500 houses per year.Five hundred and nine additional houses were allocated to Sheffield since 23rd October last, and the total allocation of 1951 is 1,709. If the Council can convince me that they can build more than this, I will give them a further increase.
Is the Minister aware that these figures are still below the average for the rest of the country, and that the Chairman of the Housing Committee has said that the labour would be available but that the difficulty is that the Ministry are not giving any licences? Is the right hon. Gentleman prepared now to give an extra 500 licences in order that the city can show that it can build these houses? Without these licences, it cannot do so.
In all these cases I try to judge what is the building capacity of the local authority. I have already made an increase to Sheffield by the amount I have stated. I repeat that if they can convince me that they can build more with the existing labour force and keep a balanced programme, I will give them more.
Does that mean that the Minister is prepared to meet representatives of the Council within the next two weeks in order to be convinced on this matter?
I do not think I need meet them again. I met them a little while ago on the whole matter.
Would my right hon. Friend agree that the City of Sheffield's achievement since the war in building houses compares very favourably with that of other large cities, and will he say that if need be, if the city can use its existing licences before the end of the year, it can get more licences from his Department?
The second point is covered by what I have already said. As regards the first part of the question, Sheffield is a much better building authority than some other large cities.
Local Authorities (Members' Expenses)
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning whether he is aware that provision made under the Local Government Act, 1948, for payment of allowances to members of local authorities to meet financial loss, travelling and subsistence expenses is being abused; and in how many cases his attention has been drawn to such abuse by Government auditors.
District auditors have made surcharges of about £370 in the accounts of 18 local authorities.
While in no way reflecting upon the vast body of those who claim these allowances, is there not some difference of opinion as to the regulations governing their payment, and does the Minister not think that those regulations should be tightened up?
The fact is that it is a new system which has only just come into operation and it has taken a little while for the councillors concerned in all cases to become acquainted with the way in which their claims should be lodged. Many of these are perfectly innocent cases of error owing to that cause, and I hope that, as we become more accustomed to the new system, they will diminish.
Local Government And Planning
Water Supply, North-West Region
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning, in view of the heavy consumption of water by all types of industry in the North-West Region, when he expects in creased facilities for the supply of water to become available.
Since the end of the war my predecessor and I have approved new schemes for water supply in Lancashire and Cheshire worth £11½ million. These schemes are steadily being completed.
Is the Minister satisfied that progress is quick enough in view of the rapidly expanding demand in that area?
It is as quick as we can make it.
Industrial Buildings
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning if he will take steps to simplify the procedure necessary to obtain authority for the erection of industrial buildings.
I made some simplifications last year. If the hon. Member has any further suggestions about industrial buildings, I shall be glad to consider them.
May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if it is not the fact at the moment that in the case of larger industrial buildings, applications for planning permission have to go through 12 different clearances, and that if that number could be reduced, it would be helpful?
If the hon. Member will look at the 1950 General Development Order, he will see that I made considerable simplifications there which cut out a lot of these stages.
Basildon New Town (Freeholders)
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning whether he will now give an assurance that freeholders whose properties will not be required for any of the developments proposed under the master plan for the new town of Basildon will be left secure in possession of their freeholds.
I have nothing to add to my reply to the hon. Member on 7th November last.
Cannot the Minister appreciate that the effect of his policy so far is to cause a slump in the value of properties which are never likely to be acquired by the Development Corporation, thus causing financial loss and anxiety to innocent people? What are the reasons for the Minister's refusal to give the assurance for which the Question asks?
If there is a slump, it is largely due, as I have said before, to the continuous activities of the hon. Gentleman in his own constituency.
Is the Minister not aware that in the House on 15th May last, his Parliamentary Secretary said that it was the policy ultimately to acquire every freehold in the new town of Basildon, and in the light of this will the right hon. Gentleman now withdraw the most offensive remark which he has just made?
Certainly not, because I made a supplementary reply in an equivalent sense on 7th November, when the hon. Member asked a similar question and I gave him a perfectly straightforward reply.
In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the Minister's reply, I give notice that I will raise this matter on the Adjournment.
Water Scheme, Ripon And Pateley Bridge
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning if he has yet had time to consider the regional water scheme which was prepared by the Ripon and Pateley Bridge Rural District Council over a year ago; what difficulties have been encountered; and whether there is now a prospect of this or an amended scheme being carried out.
I am waiting to hear from the Council whether they can acquire the land by agreement. As soon as I receive this information, I will hold a local inquiry.
As this area provides much of the catchment area for the cities of both Leeds and Bradford, contains the reservoirs for these two cities and has an ample water supply, will the right hon. Gentleman see that there is no further delay in ensuring that piped water goes to the villages in the area of these local authorities? The information to which the Minister has referred has already been sent to his Department.
The delay is not with me but with the local authority. There have been difficulties in negotiating certain sales of land with Lord Mountgarret. I hope that this has now been overcome and that we can get on.
Lea Copse, Finchampstead
asked the Minister of Local Government and Planning whether he proposes to hold a public inquiry into the proposed compulsory acquisition of Lea Copse, Finchampstead, as a mortar and grenade range.
No, Sir; I have consulted my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture, who does not support the objections raised by two farmers to this proposal.
Is the Minister aware that, whereas the local authorities have been consulted, neither of the two farmers whose land he proposes to take has even been officially notified by the Service Ministry that his land is to be taken? In view of this gross unfairness, will the right hon. Gentleman please reconsider whether the proper method, in order to give fairness to these and to other people, is to hold a public inquiry so that they can voice their objections?
The hon. Member and I have had some correspondence about this and I think he will agree that I have tried to be helpful. The difficulty with regard to these alternative sites is that in the view of the Ministry of Agriculture there is less objection to this site than to the various alternatives, and therefore that Ministry are not prepared to support objections on agricultural grounds.
If the Minister were to ask his right hon. Friend, he would know that no representative of the Ministry of Agriculture has been over the ground.
Are we to understand from the right hon. Gentleman's original answer that any local inquiry can now be held only if a Ministry supports private individuals? Does not this deny the right of a private individual to an inquiry?
No, Sir, it does not. There was a White Paper on the acquisition of land for the Services, and all those interested in the progress of the defence programme are anxious to cut out unnecessary delays in inquiries. I am trying in that way to assist the Service Ministers. If the Service Ministers want this land—even if it is of agricultural importance—and the Minister of Agriculture thinks there is less objection to it from his point of view than there is to land anywhere else, then I think the Service Department had better have the land.
British Broadcasting Corporation
asked the Prime Minister how many times since the Charter was granted again in 1946, have the statutory powers of issuing directions on policy to the British Broadcasting Corporation been exercised.
The prohibition on the British Broadcasting Corporation broadcasting its own opinion on matters of public policy imposed under the licence of 1937 has been maintained in practice under the current licence. In addition, directions have been given in regard to hours of broadcasting and in relation to the employment of aliens.
Is the Prime Minister prepared for powers to be exercised in giving a direction to the B.B.C. for an independent inquiry to be held, in view of the recent confirmation by the former Attorney-General that money was shown to have passed to a number of B.B.C. employees in unfortunate circumstances?
That seems to be an entirely different question.
Has any Government guidance been given to the B.B.C., or will it shortly be given, on the employment of alleged Communists?
That is another question entirely.
In view of the failure of the recent Speer case, which showed loopholes in the present law, would the Government be prepared to alter the law in order to apply the same law to the B.B.C. and to other nationalised industries as applies at present to public bodies, and could the law for the prevention of bribery and corruption be altered accordingly?
That seems all very complicated, and I would prefer to see it on paper.
Divorce (Royal Commission)
asked the Prime Minister if, in setting up the promised Royal Commission to review the law relating to divorce, he will make its terms of reference wide enough to include the many related problems of the law of marriage.
Yes, Sir.
Festival Of Britain
South Bank Exhibition
asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will give details of the advanced bookings for guaranteed admission to the South Bank Exhibition up to the last convenient date.
Firm bookings up to 25th April last totalled 1,040,072 and they have been continuing at an increasing rate since that date. Of this total, 393,000 have been sold by the South Bank Advance Ticket Office and 354,000 by British Railways. The number of sales to organised school parties included in the total is 325,000. So far, bookings are heaviest for May and June, and certain Saturdays are substantially sold out. There are still plenty of tickets for most other days, including Sundays.
asked the Lord Privy Seal if all exhibits in the South Bank Exhibition will be completed in time for the official opening on 4th May.
Yes, Sir. All but a few minor exhibits will be in position and the displays substantially complete.
Is my right hon. Friend aware that the records show that no previous world exhibition has been ready on opening day, and do not those responsible for the creation of the South Bank Exhibition deserve every congratulation?
I am obliged to my hon. Friend. So far as I know, the South Bank show is more nearly complete than any other exhibition in my experience, and great credit reflects on all those connected with it.
asked the Lord Privy Seal what arrangements have been made for cleaning the South Bank Exhibition.
The cleaning of the grounds of the South Bank Exhibition will be done by staff directly employed by the Festival Office, who will also do minor external cleaning to structures. Arrangements will be made as required for major external cleaning to structures. A contract has been placed for window-cleaning, and a separate contract for the general internal cleaning. In addition, a number of the exhibits will require specialist treatment, and arrangements are being made to ensure that the services of specialists are available.
asked the Lord Privy Seal what quantity of steel he has authorised for use in connection with the South Bank Exhibition of the Festival of Britain.
I have nothing to add to what I told the hon. Member in reply to this Question last week.
As the right hon. Gentleman told me nothing whatsoever, can we know when we can get a statement of the total amount of steel which has been used on the South Bank Exhibition?
I told the hon. Member I could not devote staff to go into the analysis he required. If he wants figures for the South Bank only, I shall be pleased to give them.
This Question relates to the South Bank.
If the hon. Member will read his own Question, he will see that it does not—[HON. MEMBERS: "It does."] I apologise to the hon. Member; as put on my brief, it does not. I am very glad to give the figures for the South Bank Exhibition: 195 tons of sheet steel and 3,765 tons of other steel, all of which was given after steel came off the ration, since May, 1950.
Did the Minister of Supply authorise this quantity to be used?
It was not necessary except for the first 195 tons authorised, as the subsequent issue of requirements came at a time when steel was no longer controlled.
Pleasure Gardens
asked the Lord Privy Seal whether, in view of the fact that the Fun Fair at Battersea Park is in a condition to be opened to the public, he will allow it to be opened on the advertised date of 3rd May.
No, Sir. The Fun Fair is not in a condition in which it can be operated, nor is it considered possible to open it in a finished condition by 3rd May. Arrangements have been made for it to open on Friday, 11th May.
When the right hon. Gentleman says "not in a condition in which it can be operated," does he mean that the things will not go round, or that certain decorations have to be put up, because I understand the things will go round and that it can be operated?
No, of course it will all go round, but there has been a concatenation of circumstances which has not made completion speedy, and I think it better to wait until 11th May, rather than to have a poor opening event.
Is the greatest credit due to all concerned?
On the whole, yes.
Has my right hon. Friend noticed the delight of hon. Members on the benches opposite at this disappointing delay as compared with their disappointment when they heard that the South Bank Exhibition would open on time?
Will the right hon. Gentleman say whether the concatenation of circumstances explains the picture, for which he has paid £500, called "Autumn Landscape"?
asked the Lord Privy Seal if he can indicate the date on which the Festival of Britain Fun Fair in Battersea Park is now expected to open; and the extent of the financial loss incurred as a result of the postponement.
asked the Lord Privy Seal whether any decision has yet been arrived at following the deputation of showmen to the Board of Festival Gardens, Limited, urging the opening of the Fun Fair on the original date agreed.
The Board of Festival Gardens, Limited, has decided that the Fun Fair cannot be opened on the original date, but that it can be opened before Whitsuntide on Friday, 11th May. I am informed that the financial loss to the Company incurred as a result of this postponement is expected to be about £5,000.
To obviate this postponement, would it not have been possible and better to have started the work on that site a little earlier.
I think it would be better to wait until I have made a full statement on the Second Reading of the Bill which is coming before the House. Under the circumstances, I think we are very lucky to get it open as early.
Does the last statement of the right hon. Gentleman—that he is to make a statement on the Second Reading of the Bill—mean that we are not to have the report he previously promised?
I cannot answer that today, but I am hoping the report will be out soon; if possible, before the Second Reading.
asked the Lord Privy Seal if all the constructions for the Festival of Britain in Battersea Park are British designed and built.