asked the Minister of Supply whether his regulations entail the procurement from his Department of a permit for the erection of an iron railing to fence in a field of about nine acres; and, in view of the scarcity if iron, what policy he follows with regard to its use for such purposes.
No, Sir. At present, only the distribution of sheet steel and tinplate is controlled. Consideration is being given to possible arrangements for controlling distribution of general steel.
Does not the right hon. Gentleman think that in this particular case, of which he has already had details, it is rather a shocking thing that iron railings should be used to close an open space very much needed by the local inhabitants?
That is a matter of opinion, and one for which my right hon. Friend the Minister of Education, and, I understand, the Brighton Council, are responsible. My answer to the Question which the hon. Gentleman puts to me is that I have no responsibility and no control in the matter.
Can my right hon. Friend give any information about the latter part of his first answer, namely, the general distribution of steel supplies?
That matter is still being considered, and I propose to consult certain representatives of industry in the matter. I cannot say exactly when I can make an announcement, but it will certainly not be before Whitsun.