asked the Minister of Food if, in view of his promised consideration of fish prices, he will give figures showing recent examples of discrepancies in these prices, as between producer and consumer.
It is impracticable to compare the prices of particular parcels of fish at the various stages of sale; there are wide variations every day at each stage on account of size, quality and other factors. Taking a broad survey of prices over a period, I am satisfied that firsthand prices fall with increased landings, and that retail prices, after a certain time lag, follow the first-hand prices.
asked the Minister of Food if, in view of the periodical reviews of fish prices which he has promised, he can now give recent examples in figures where the landing prices of white fish have fallen below the controlled prices of last year; and if he is satisfied that all such cases of lower first-sale prices have been closely reflected in current retail prices.
For a period in February and March both cod and haddock were sold at the main ports below the old controlled prices of 4s. 9d. and 6s. per stone. The lowest prices recorded at Grimsby and Hull for cod ranged from 3s. 6d. to 4s. 7d. and for haddock from 4s. to 5s. 9d. per stone. I am satisfied that, with some allowance for time-lag, reductions in port prices are reflected in the retail prices.