asked the Minister of Food at what date he now expects the meat from Argentina to be on sale in the United Kingdom.
Argentine meat should begin to arrive later this month, but because of the need to build up stocks I cannot say when or in what quantities it will be on sale to the public.
Is my hon. Friend aware that his right hon. Friend stated recently that its sale would begin in August? Would my hon. Friend give an assurance that, as the time between the loading of the meat in the Argentine and its appearance on the market here should not exceed six weeks, shipments will reach this country and be marketed in that time?
I think the statement to which my hon. Friend refers related to an increase in the ration in August.
Will the hon. Gentleman say how the price will compare with the present price of meat?
Does the Parliamentary Secretary's answer mean that the greater ration of 1s. 8d. in August is now in jeopardy?
No, Sir. The answer means no more than that the Argentine meat will arrive later this month; and that I am not able to say when it will be on sale to the public.
Would the hon. Gentleman say what he means by building up stocks, in view of the fact that chilled beef does not keep long enough to build up stocks with it?
I am not referring especially to chilled beef in this answer.
Will the hon. Gentleman consult with the Prime Minister to see when the most appropriate time is—politically—to increase the meat ration?
Will the Parliamentary Secretary give the House an assurance that the 200,000 tons will be delivered in the coming year?
That does not seem to arise out of the original Question, which asks when the meat will be on sale in this country. Sir Hartley Shawcross.