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Royal Air Force (Craftsmen)

Volume 487: debated on Monday 7 May 1951

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asked the Secretary of State for Air if he will state the number of civilian hourly-rated mechanics employed at No. 33 Maintenance Unit, Lyneham, No. 22 Maintenance Unit, Silloth, and No. 38 Maintenance Unit, Llandow; how may of these are employed as registered dilutees; and how many were formerly so registered who are now classified as craftsmen.

Figures for metal working craftsmen employed on the repair and modification of aircraft at the units stated are:

UnitNumber of craftsmenNumber of registered diluteesNumber of craftsmen recognised as fully skilled who were formerly registered as dilutees
33 M.U., Lyneham.167825
22 M.U., Silloth.21312812
38 M.U., Llandow.2491514