asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the continuing refugee problem not only in Germany, but more particularly in the Middle East and now in Korea, His Majesty's Government will press the United Nations Organisation for the reprieve and continuation of some such organisation as the International Refugee Organisation so that the experience and skill gained during past years may not be wasted.
No. These refugee problems are completely different in character from that with which the International Refugee Organisation has dealt so successfully and require quite different measures for their solution. With regard to the Middle East and Korea, there are already United Nations bodies in existence to deal with the problem.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what organisations are now permitted by the United Nations Organisation to administer relief to the population of South Korea and of North Korea; what assistance he has given and is contemplated by His Majesty's Government; and whether he will make a full statement.
At present all relief operations in Korean territory under United Nations control are organised by the United Nations Civil Assistance Command. The staff of the Civil Assistance Command includes a number of teams organised by bodies such as the World Health Organisation and the British Red Cross. His Majesty's Government have on request contributed salt and medical supplies, and £10 million have been included in the Estimates for future relief and reconstruction.