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South Bank Exhibition

Volume 487: debated on Tuesday 8 May 1951

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asked the Lord Privy Seal when an announcement is likely to be made in respect of the continuation of the South Bank Exhibition in 1952.

Any question of continuing the South Bank Exhibition in 1952 depends in the first place on public demand. I can give an assurance that the question will be most carefully watched and that a decision will be reached and announced as soon as circumstances permit.

Does not my right hon. Friend agree that there are many good reasons why the greatest show on earth should continue in 1952? To get the best possible results from such a decision, should it not be made as soon as possible? It calls for neither courage nor foresight to make that decision early.

It has had a very good start, but we had better wait a little bit before we take any decision about continuing next year.

Will the London County Council be given an opportunity of purchasing these premises when the Festival is finished?

The site belongs to the London County Council already. They have other designs on its use.

Has my right hon. Friend ever seen anything funnier than the sour expression on the faces of the Tories going round the Exhibition on Friday?


asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he will consider the advisability of leaving the South Bank Exhibition site in permanent existence, after the conclusion of the Festival of Britain, so that it may be used as an exhibition site, on a hiring basis, by British manufacturers for trade and industry exhibitions.

No, Sir. I am advised that most of the buildings are not suitable for this purpose and none has any heating installation. In any case, the site will eventually be needed for other purposes.

Does not the Lord Privy Seal think it would be as well to have this site, so that trade exhibitions could all be held in one spot instead of being separated between Olympia and Earls Court, as with the B.I.F.? Does he not further think that it will be a terrible waste to pull these buildings down when the exhibition is over?

On the question of further exhibitions, the trouble is that the buildings are specially designed for their present purpose and for a temporary period. I do not think they would be suitable for ordinary trade exhibitions.

Are not these questions prompted by a laudable desire to represent the interests of private enterprise?

Surely the Lord Privy Seal, with his great knowledge of engineering, must appreciate that there are many engineering exhibitions which could quite well be held on this South Bank site? Would he not consider the matter from that angle alone?

I am perfectly prepared to consider anything, but, as I said in reply to the previous Questions, we had better wait and see how we go on.


asked the Lord Privy Seal if he has investigated the numerous complaints made to him by guests regarding the arrangements for the opening of the South Bank Exhibition on Friday, 4th May; and if he will make a statement.

I know of only one or two complaints. Some arose from a misunderstanding on the part of guests about the composition of the party which was to accompany Their Majesties on their tour of the Exhibition. I am satisfied that, on the whole, the arrangements worked very well. Such difficulties as were experienced were only to be expected on the first day of a great undertaking of this sort; I know the Festival Office is making such adjustments as day-to-day experience shows to be necessary.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a number of visitors experienced difficulty in seeing the Exhibition owing to a lack of direction and the absence of information, and that these are the very people who could go back to their home towns and stimulate interest in the Festival?

This will all get better as we go on. In all my experience I have never known an exhibition so nearly complete at the time of opening.

As regards visitors who were dissatisfied on the opening day, did they ask for their money back?