asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will define the functions and membership of the Central Planning Staff.
The Central Economic Planning Staff is a division of the Treasury under the Chief Planning Officer, which is responsible for advising on the co-ordination of general economic policy. Nearly all the members of the planning staff are permanent civil servants, some of whom are seconded from other Departments.
Does the present Chancellor find it satisfactory to have this body of senior civil servants ruling the roost? Does he not find that they destroy the sense of responsibility for forming policy among departmental Ministers?
I would not agree with that.
Can the Chancellor confirm the statement made in "The Observer" last week-end that Sir Edwin Plowden is leaving the Central Planning Staff at the end of this year? Is it intended to appoint a successor?
That is quite a different question, but I should like to say, Mr. Speaker, that I understand that the company from which Sir Edwin Plowden has leave of absence has intimated that it will continue that leave of absence until the end of the present year.
And no longer?
Would the Chancellor publish the names of the Central Planning Staff in HANSARD?
I think it is contrary to precedent to publish the names of civil servants in any particular division.
This is a matter of vital importance, because these men have very great power and are not acting in a purely Civil Service capacity. Is there not very good ground for breaking precedent in this case?
They are ordinary civil servants acting in an ordinary Civil Service capacity and subject to the direction of the Minister. Their names are, I think, published in the ordinary reference books.
Does the information which the Chancellor gave to my hon. Friend mean that Sir Edwin has decided to see the Government out?