asked the Minister of Labour which forms of employment he has classified as unproductive; and what steps he is taking, in view of the urgent need of increased production, to reduce the volume of unproductive employment.
The only employment classifications are those appearing in the Ministry of Labour Gazette, copies of which are in the Library.
Does the Minister realise the urgency of separating the true from the false, the real from the unreal and the productive from the unproductive? Does he not realise that if this country is to get prosperous again we must have a proper classification, and will he come and see me afterwards about this matter?
I do not know what the hon. Gentleman means by productive and unproductive. Would he include transport as being unproductive? There is such a wide variation that I think it very dangerous to try to classify.
Will the Minister see me afterwards?
Will the Minister say whether the hon. Member is productive or unproductive?