asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what is the cost of the operations at present in progress to move the lavatories belonging to his Department at the back of the Royal Marine Range, at Kingsdown, Deal, out of the reach of the tide; what estimates were called for to pull them down and build new ones in a more suitable position; what firms were asked to tender, and what was the lowest quotation before it was decided to move them bodily on rollers; whether the lavatories have yet been used; and whether water is yet laid on.
The cost of the work involved in moving the lavatories at the Royal Marine Range, Kingsdown, Deal, out of reach of the tide is estimated to be about £125. The work is being done by directly employed Admiralty labour as being the most economical arrangement for a job of this nature. If the lavatories had been pulled down and rebuilt in the new position instead of being moved bodily, the cost would have been about £350. The lavatories have not yet been used in the new position and work will not be completed until about the 19th May, 1951, when all connections including water will have been made. Meanwhile a temporary chemical latrine is in use.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty in what conditions enlisted men can be bought out of the Royal Marines in the present situation.
Such requests, like all others for release, can only be granted if exceptional compassionate circumstances exist.