asked the Secretary of State for Air what plans the Government has for creating a source of women pilots for duties as flying instructors and in the Air Transport Auxiliary, in view of the fact that private flying sources have now virtually dried up.
A flying branch has been created in the Women's Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve to provide a reserve of women pilots for communication flying and for staff pilot appointments at certain training establishments and for employment on ferrying duties, if required. Many former members of the Air Trans- port Auxiliary have joined but there are still vacancies and any woman under 30 who has a private pilot's licence can apply.
Would the right hon. and learned Gentleman not agree that the object of this Question is to find a new source of women pilots as the present source is now drying up? Could he suggest a Government measure by which the could assist flying clubs and thus help the cause of private people learning to fly? If something is not done in that-direction, he will have no recruits, as he himself has said that they must have a pilot's certificate before they are eligible for this reserve.
As the hon. Gentleknows, it was announced more than a year ago that we were reducing the standard from 100 hours to 30 hours, and I think that should have been of considerable assistance to those seeking to become pilots.
Is the drying up of the source of women pilots due to the narrowness of the bottleneck?