asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he will consider the formation of squadrons of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force based on the large towns and cities of southern Hampshire, such as Portsmouth, Southampton, Winchester and Bournemouth.
I regret that it is not possible for me to agree to consider the early formation of additional Royal Auxiliary Air Force Squadrons in southern Hampshire as suggested, since for the time being our resources are fully committed to the major expansion of the front line strength of the Regular Air Force which is now in progress. I will, however, consider this suggestion again when the expansion programme is further advanced.
Will the right hon. and learned Gentleman bear in mind that the large cities and towns of southern Hampshire are renowned for their large contributions to our Armed Forces, and will he, as soon as the aircraft supply position permits, take up this subject afresh?
indicated assent.
asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he will make plans to provide auxiliary squadrons with more, and newer, aircraft during their three months' training period, in view of the fact that the aircraft now being used, having flown many hours in regular squadrons, have a low serviceability, and that this may result in pilots getting inadequate flying time.
Of the 20 auxiliary squadrons, nine will carry out their training on new Vampire 5's. While the remaining 11 have been re-equipped with jet aircraft previously used by Regular squadrons, I am advised that such aircraft do not have a low serviceability. Everything possible is being done to ensure that auxiliary pilots will be able to get in, sufficient flying time to derive full advantage from the operational training which they will receive during their period of call-up.
Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman not aware that some of the squadrons equipped with aircraft which have already been used by the Regular squadrons have only two aircraft serviceable at the end of a week-end's flying? Is he making plans to provide these extra 11 auxiliary squadrons with new aircraft so that there is a higher serviceability record and, therefore, more training done?
I should like, first, to establish the facts. If the hon. Member will be good enough to give me the names of the squadrons he has in mind. I will certainly look into his suggestion.