asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what report he has received from the Governor with regard to damage to civilian property by the recent explosion in Gibraltar.
As hon. Members heard from my hon. Friend the Civil Lord of the Admiralty last week, widespread damage has been caused in the city area of Gibraltar. Structural damage to buildings seems at present to be limited; but extensive superficial damage has caused great loss and distress to the civilian community. Temporary buildings near the Dockyard have suffered heavily, and 12 families have had to be moved to other accommodation.All schools were affected and had to be closed; but the Governor reports that they are all re-opening this week. The Governor's own house and the Secretariat, both near the Dockyard, suffered considerable damage as did the Anglican Cathedral. Repair work is proceeding rapidly; but I fear that the people of Gibraltar, for whom housing is a serious problem, are still suffering discomfort and inconvenience. The Governor has opened a disaster appeal fund which will, I hope, be widely supported.