asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will recommend to the governments of the Colonies when choosing non-official representatives to visit the Festival of Britain, at the invitation of the British Government, to include non-Europeans in each delegation.
The arrangements for the selection of representatives were left to the local authorities and in most Colonies the selection has already been made. Of the 74 names so far received, 51 are in fact non-Europeans.
asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies which colonial governments have appointed the non-official representatives, at the invitation of the United Kingdom Government, to the Festival of Britain; which Colonies have appointed European unofficial representatives only; and which Colonies have included non-European unofficial representatives.
The list of nominations is not yet complete. In most cases so far notified, representatives have been selected by the Legislatures themselves; and representatives of the following territories have been nominated by the Governor or High Commissioner: Bechuanaland Protectorate, Bermuda, British Solomon Islands, Cyprus, Falkland Islands, Hong Kong and North Borneo.The following territories will be represented only by persons of European descent: Bahamas, Cyprus, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Seychelles and Nyasaland.The delegations so far notified from the remaining territories will include non-European representatives.