asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what steps he intends to take to prevent young people from attending the Communist-inspired Youth Festival, to be held in Berlin from 5th to 19th August.
So far as British youth are concerned I feel most reluctant to interfere with their freedom of action in such a matter. We can rely on their good sense. They are not easily duped, and some in fact have taken the sensible precaution of consulting the Foreign Office. Nevertheless, we have to consider the purpose of this Festival. It is sponsored by the Communist-controlled youth organisations, the World Federation of Democratic Youth and the International Union of Students, which are in the nature of Fifth Column bodies. Its avowed aim is to support the campaign for peace on Soviet terms. I have therefore agreed to consultations between the three Western High Commissioners in Germany on ways and means of preventing this exploitation of young people to serve the aims of the Soviet Government.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware it is the intention of the Communist-controlled Festival Committee to charter the Polish ship "Batory" and carry them direct to Gdynia so that they do not pass through the Western zone?
That may be so, but on the face of it it does not sound as if I can do anything about it.
Is this proposal to make the Iron Curtain a two-way affair intended to be limited to this particular instance, or is it to become the general policy of the Government?
We must consider each case on its merits, but I see no reason why we should be parties to a policy which assists in the development and influence of Fifth Column activities.
Would the right hon. Gentleman try to be consistent in this matter and explain to the House how it came about that passports were issued to leading members of the Communist Party to confer with the Communists in Peking some time ago?
I think the hon. Member had better put that down.