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Volume 488: debated on Wednesday 30 May 1951

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asked the Minister of Food when the Report of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Meat Inspection will be published; and what action he proposes to take.

The Report is being published today and I hope that all concerned will study it closely. The Committee's findings will be considered in consultation with representatives of local authorities, professional and trade associations and we shall welcome their comments. Our decision, as to action, of course, must await consideration of the views of all those affected by this report.


asked the Minister of Food what arrangements have been made for the distribution of chilled meat shortly to be imported from Argentina; and, in particular, what quantities will be allocated for domestic consumption as against the allocation to hotels and restaurants.

We intend to distribute chilled beef when it arrives direct from the ship. At first it will be available only in areas near the ports of arrival. Catering establishments will have no preference. Chilled beef will be shared on the same basis as all other kinds of meat.


asked the Minister of Food the grounds of his recent refusal to grant an additional meat ration for agricultural workers.

The reason is that I could only meet this, and the consequential claims that would be made by other groups of workers, at the expense of consumers generally. Agricultural workers already get other allowances.

asked the Minister of Food why there is a time-lag of at least 10 days before butchers receive replacement of meat supplied to schools; and if he will take steps to reduce this delay.

There need be no time lag. There is an established procedure, well known to butchers, whereby, on notifying their district meat agent, they can obtain forward issues of meat to fulfil their contracts to schools before evidence of the exact quantity supplied is given to the local food office.