Message Of Condolence
In addition to the messages of condolence which I read to the House yesterday, I have received from His Excellency the Irish Ambassador a copy of the following Resolution:
Resolution passed by Dáil Éireann at its meeting on 13th February, 1952
That Dáil Éireann extend its deep sympathy to the Royal Family, the Parliament and the people of Britain on the death of His Majesty King George VI.
No doubt the House would desire me to send a suitable reply to this message.
Hear, hear.
Private Business
British Transport Commission Bill (By Order)
Second Reading deferred till Tomorrow.
City Of London (Guild Churches) Bill (By Order)
Second Reading deferred till Monday next.
City Of London (Various Powers) Bill (By Order)
Read a Second time, and committed.
Company Of Watermen And Lightermen Bill (By Order)
Second Reading deferred till Wednesday next.
Ealing Corporation Bill (By Order)
Essex Cowry Council Bill (By Order)
Second Reading deferred till Tomorrow.
Fareham Urban District Council Bill (By Order)
Second Reading deferred till Tuesday next.
Glamorgan County Council Bill (By Order)
London County Council (General Powers) Bill (By Order)
Read a second time, and committed.
North Wales Hydro-Electric Power Bill (By Order)
Rochester Corporation Bill (By Order)
Second Reading deferred till Tuesday next.
West Hartlepool Extension Bill (By Order)
Second Reading deferred till Monday next.
Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Bill
"to confirm a Provisional Order under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1936, relating to Glasgow Corporation," presented by Mr. James Stuart; and ordered (under Section 7 of the Act) to be considered To-morrow, and to be printed. [Bill 57.]
I should like to make a most sincere apology to the House. At Private Business time today, I made a mistake with regard to the City of London (Guild Churches) Bill and the West Hartlepool Extension Bill. I deferred them to next Friday, but under a Standing Order I am not able to do that. My excuse, if any, is that Private Business comes under one Public Business Standing Order which had escaped my attention. With the leave of the House, I should like to defer the two Bills mentioned to Monday next instead of Friday next.
I should like to know what happened about Private Business today. A number of Members objected to the Glamorgan County Council Bill, of whom I was one. Several Members around me objected, but you proceeded to put the Question that it be read a Second time. There was a good deal of noise and I turned to the hon. Member sitting next to me and said, "Is he putting the Question on the Glamorgan County Council Bill?" He said, "No," and, because of the noise—[HON. MEMBERS: "Oh"!] I do not know why my comments should give rise to hilarity. The point is that this Bill did, in fact, receive a Second Reading, though it had been objected to, and I want to know what remedy we have, because a number of us are considering the possibility of debating this Bill on Second Reading because of certain Clauses contained in it.
On a point of order. I took particular notice of what happened when the Glamorgan County Council Bill was called, and there was no objection at all.
I am perfectly certain that if I had heard any hon. Member object I would not have put the Question. The remedy which the hon. Member for Croydon, East (Sir H. Williams) had was to vote against the Bill when the Question was put, and I am afraid that at this stage there is nothing more I can do about it.
Further to that point of order. It is not competent to vote at that time because it is the time of non-contentious Business. [HON. MEMBERS: "No."] It is Business which cannot be voted against. The difficulty was that there was so much noise from that end of the Chamber—[HON. MEMBERS: "No."] I do not know why hon. Members are not concerned about the conduct of Parliamentary Business. There was so much noise that many of us did not hear you put the Question, Mr. Speaker, and it is perfectly clear that several hon. Members said the word "Object."
I can only reply that I did not hear the word "Object." The remedy of the hon. Gentleman was to say "No." when I put the Question. If the hon. Gentleman did not hear me I must try to speak a little louder in future.