asked the Secretary of State for Scotland to what causes he attributes a decline of 674 in Scottish housing completions in February as against January, 1952, from 2,232 to 1,558 as shown by official returns, and a decline of 256 in the monthly completions figure in February, 1952, as compared with 1,814 in February, 1951; and for an increase of 865 in the total of 2,232 for January, 1952, over the corresponding figure of 1,367 for January, 1951.
The differences referred to are partly explained by the fact that, for statistical purposes, January, 1952, was treated as having five weeks and the other months only four. Apart from this, fluctuations from month to month are normal. Taking a longer period of comparison, it is already known that the figure for the first quarter of 1952 will exceed that for the corresponding period last year because mainly of the improved supply of materials.