asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he will ensure that the Council for Wales and Monmouth and the six North Wales county councils are consulted before the proposal to amalgamate the Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board and the North Western Electricity Board is proceeded with.
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asked the Minister of Fuel and Power (1) if he will take steps to ensure that the North Western Electricity Division shall not be amalgamated with the Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Division until there has been some opportunity for Welsh opinion to be ascertained and for Welsh organisations, authorities and industries to be consulted;
(2) what steps he will take to ascertain whether the recently-announced decision to amalgamate the North Western Electricity Division with the Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Division is in the best interests of the whole of Wales; what Welsh interests, authorities and associations he will consult; and if he will make a statement.There has been no proposal to amalgamate the North Western Electricity Board with the Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board. The British Electricity Authority have recently announced that their corresponding generation divisions are to be amalgamated from 1st April; this will in no way affect the supplies of electricity to customers of either of the two boards.
Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the whole of Wales will be gratified to receive that assurance on St. David's Day?
May I say on behalf of the Government that, on this day in particular, we are very glad to have gratified Wales.