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Requisitioned Property, London

Volume 524: debated on Tuesday 9 March 1954

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asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government the number of families in London houses in requisitioned property; what expenditure he permits on repair and maintenance of those premises; and whether he is aware that local authorities frequently find the permitted expenditure insufficient to keep these houses fit for families to live in.

The approximate number of families occupying requisitioned premises in the London area is 85,000 of whom about 56,500 are in the Metropolitan boroughs. The annual sum now allowed to a local authority for repairs to requisitioned houses is an overall average of £25 per family unit or the average of the preceding three years whichever is the less. Within this limit a local authority may spend without prior approval up to £100 on the repair of an individual unit. These limits were fixed as recently as October last, and discussions which officers of the Department have had with representatives of the authorities should help to overcome any difficulties.