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Control Of Advertisements Regulations (Appeals)

Volume 524: debated on Sunday 2 May 1954

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asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whether he will give details of the number of appeals by advertising interests dealt with during 1953 under the Control of Advertisements Regulations, 1948; how many of these appeals were dealt with at public hearings and by correspondence, respectively; how many, in each group referred, respectively, to posters, including bulletin boards but not trade signs, public information panels, and to trade signs on the premises of the

Type of AdvertisementTotal number of appeals decidedNumber dealt with by hearingNumber dealt with by correspondence (a)
Public Information Panels1064363
Trade Signs (b)6142929357199
(a) Including cases in which the site was visited by an officer of the Department accompanied by representatives of both parties to the appeal.
(b) These figures include appeals for direction signs not on the trader's premises, as shown in brackets.