1. The premises to which this Schedule applies are the following, that is to say:—
2.—(1) Where at any time before the first day of January, nineteen hundred and fifty-five, an application is made to a local authority for the grant or renewal of a slaughterhouse licence in respect of any premises to which this Schedule applies then subject to the next following sub-paragraph and to any resolution of the authority which may have taken effect under section sixty-one of the Food and Drugs Act, 1938, or under subsection (2) of section four of this Act, the authority shall not refuse the application unless they are satisfied that—
(2) If before the application was made the authority have passed such a resolution as is mentioned in the foregoing sub-paragraph, but the resolution has not taken effect, the authority may if they think fit adjourn the application pending the decision of the Minister of Food whether or not to approve the resolution.
3—(1) If the authority are satisfied that the premises are not suitable for use as a slaughterhouse but determine to grant or renew the licence, they may in doing so serve a notice on the applicant specifying the works which are in their opinion necessary to render the premises suitable as aforesaid and the period (not exceeding three months from the date of the grant or renewal) within which they require those works to be executed.
(2) The authority may at any time extend the said period if the works have been begun and appear to them to be making satisfactory progress.
(3) If at the expiration of the said period (whether or not extended under the foregoing sub-paragraph) the works have not been completed to the satisfaction of the authority, the authority may cancel the licence in respect of the premises (if it is then still in force).
4. Where a local authority serve on any person a notice under the foregoing paragraph or cancel a licence thereunder, all the provisions of the Food and Drugs Act, 1938, relating to appeals against the refusal of a local authority to grant or renew a licence under section fifty-seven of that Act shall apply as if the notice or cancellation were such a refusal.—[ Dr. Hill.]
Brought up, and read the First and Second time, and added.
Bill reported, with Amendments; as amended (in Standing Committee and on recommittal), considered.