Motion made, and Question put,
That the Proceedings on Government Business be exempted, at this day's Sitting, from the provisions of Standing Order No. 1 (Sittings of the House).—[Mr. Buchan-Hepburn.]
The House divided: Ayes, 270; Noes, 228.
Grimston, Sir Robert (Westbury) | McAdden, S. J. | Robinson, Sir Roland (Blackpool, S.) |
Hall, John (Wycombe) | McCorquodale, Rt. Hon M. S | Robson-Brown, W. |
Harris, Frederic (Croydon, N.) | Macdonald, Sir Peter | Rodgers, John (Sevenoaks) |
Harris, Reader (Heston) | Mackeson, Brig. Sir Harry | Roper, Sir Harold |
Harrison, Col. J. H. (Eye) | McKibbin, A. J. | Russell, R. S. |
Harvey Air Cdre, A. V. (Macclesfield) | Mackie, J. H. (Galloway) | Ryder, Capt. R. E. D. |
Harvey, Ian (Harrow, E.) | Maclay, Rt. Hon. John | Sandys, Rt. Hon. D. |
Hay, John | Maclean, Fitzroy | Savory, Prof. Sir Douglas |
Head, Rt. Hon. A. H. | Macleod, Rt. Hon. Iain (Enfield, W.) | Schofield, Lt.-Col. W. |
Heald, Rt. Hon. Sir Lionel | Macleod, John (Ross and Cromarty) | Scott, R. Donald |
Heath, Edward | Macmillan, Rt. Hon. Harold (Bromley) | Scott-Miller, Cmdr. R. |
Higgs, J. M. C. | Macpherson, Niall (Dumfries) | Simon, J. E. S. (Middlesbrough, W.) |
Hill, Dr. Charles (Luton) | Maitland, Comdr. J. F. W. (Horncastle) | Smithers, Peter (Winchester) |
Hill, Mrs. E. (Wythenshawe) | Maitland, Patrick (Lanark) | Smithers, Sir Waldron (Orpington) |
Hinchingbrooke, Viscount | Manningham-Buller, Rt. Hn. Sir Reginald | Smyth, Brig. J. G. (Norwood) |
Hirst, Geoffrey | Markham, Major Sir Frank | Snadden, W. McN. |
Holland-Martin, C. J | Marlowe, A. A. H. | Spearman, A. C. M. |
Hollis, M. C | Marshall, Douglas (Bodmin) | Speir, R. M. |
Holt, A. F. | Maude, Angus | Spence, H. R. (Aberdeenshire, W.) |
Hope, Lord John | Maudling, R. | Spens, Rt. Hon. Sir P. (Kensington, S.) |
Hopkinson, Rt. Hon. Henry | Mayden, Lt.-Commander, S. L. C. | Steward, W. A. (Woolwich W.) |
Hornsby-Smith, Miss M. P. | Molson, A. H. E. | Stewart, Henderson (Fife, E.) |
Horobin, I. M. | Moore, Sir Thomas | Stoddart-Scott, Col. M. |
Horsbrugh, Rt. Hon. Florence | Morrison, John (Salisbury) | Storey, S. |
Howard, Hon. Greville (St. Ives) | Mott-Radclyffe, C. E. | Strauss, Henry (Norwich, S.) |
Hudson, Sir Austin (Lewisham, N.) | Nabarro, G. D. N | Studholme, H. G. |
Hulbert, Wing Cdr. N. J. | Neave, Airey | Summers, G. S. |
Hurd, A. R. | Nicholls, Harmar | Sutcliffe, Sir Harold |
Hutchison, Sir Ian Clark (E'b'rgh, W.) | Nicholson, Godfrey (Farnham) | Taylor, Sir Charles (Eastbourne) |
Hyde, Lt.-Col. H. M. | Nicolson, Nigel (Bournemouth, E.) | Taylor, William (Bradford, N.) |
Iremonger, T. L. | Noble, Comdr. A. H. P. | Teeling, W. |
Jenkins, Robert (Dulwich) | Nugent, G. R. H. | Thomas, Leslie (Canterbury) |
Jennings, Sir Roland | Nutting, Anthony | Thompson, Kenneth (Walton) |
Johnson, Eric (Blackley) | Oakshott, H. D. | Thompson, Lt.-Cdr. R. (Croydon, W.) |
Johnson, Howard (Kemptown) | Odey, G. W. | Thorneycroft, Rt. Hn. Peter (Monmouth) |
Jones. A. (Hall Green) | O'Neill, Hon. Phelim (Co Antrim, N.) | Thornton-Kemsley, Col. C. N |
Joynson-Hicks, Hon. L. W | Ormsby-Gore, Hon. W. D. | Tilney, John |
Kaberry, D. | Orr, Capt. L. P. S. | Touche, Sir Gordon |
Kerby, Capt. H. B. | Orr-Ewing, Charles Ian (Hendon, N.) | Turner, H. F. L. |
Kerr, H. W. | Orr-Ewing. Sir Ian (Weston-super-Mare) | Turton, R. H. |
Lambert, Hon. G. | Page, R. G. | Tweedsmuir, Lady |
Lambton, Viscount | Peake, Rt. Hon. O. | Vane, W. M. F. |
Lancaster, Col. C. G. | Perkins, Sir Robert | Vosper, D. F. |
Langford-Holt, J. A. | Peto, Brig. C. H. M | Wakefield, Edward (Derbyshire, W.) |
Leather, E. H. C. | Peyton, J. W. W. | Wakefield, Sir Wavell (St. Marylebone) |
Legge-Bourke, Maj. E. A. H. | Pick'horn, K. W. M. | Wall, Major Patrick |
Legh, Hon. Peter (Petersfield) | Pilkington, Capt. R A | Ward, Hon. George (Worcester) |
Lennox-Boyd, Rt. Hon A. T. | Pitman, I. J. | Ward, Miss I. (Tynemouth) |
Lindsay, Martin | Pitt, Miss E. M. | Waterhouse, Capt. Rt. Hon. C |
Linstead, Sir H. N. | Powell, J. Enoch | Watkinson, H. A. |
Llewellyn, D. T. | Pries, Henry (Lewisham, W.) | Wellwood, W. |
Lloyd, Rt. Hon. G. (King's Norton) | Prior-Palmer, Brig. O. L | Williams, Rt. Hon. Charles (Torquay) |
Lloyd, Maj. Sir Guy (Renfrew, E.) | Profumo, J. D. | Williams, Sir Herbert (Croydon, E.) |
Lloyd, Rt. Hon. Selwyn (Wirral) | Raikes, Sir Victor | Williams, Paul (Sunderland, S.) |
Lockwood, Lt.-Col. J. C. | Rayner, Brig. R. | Williams, R. Dudley (Exeter) |
Longden, Gilbert | Redmayne, M. | Wills, G. |
Low, A. R. W. | Rees-Davies, W. R | Wilson, Geoffrey (Truro) |
Lucas, Sir Jocelyn (Portsmouth, S.) | Remnant, Hon. P. | Wood, Hon. R. |
Lucas, P. B. (Brentford) | Renton, D. L. M. | |
Lucas-Tooth, Sir Hugh | Ridsdale, J. E. | TELLERS FOR THE AYES: |
Lyttelton, Rt. Hon. O. | Robertson, Sir David | Sir Cedric Drewe and |
Mr. T. G. D. Galbraith. |
| ||
Acland, Sir Richard | Blyton, W. R. | Craddock, George (Bradford, S.) |
Albu, A. H. | Boardman, H. | Crosland, C. A. R. |
Allen, Arthur (Bosworth) | Bottomley, Rt. Hon. A. G. | Cullen, Mrs. A. |
Allen, Scholefield (Crewe) | Bowden, H. W. | Daines, P. |
Anderson, Frank (Whitehaven) | Bowles, F. G. | Dalton, Rt. Hon. H. |
Attlee, Rt. Hon. C. R. | Braddock, Mrs. Elizabeth | Darling, George (Hillsborough) |
Awbery, S. S. | Brookway, A. F. | Davies, Ernest (Enfield, E.) |
Bacon, Miss Alice | Brook, Dryden (Halifax) | Davies, Harold (Leek) |
Baird, J. | Brown, Thomas (Ince) | Davies, Stephen (Merthyr) |
Balfour, A. | Burton, Miss F. E. | Deer, G. |
Barnes, Rt. Hon. A. J. | Butler, Herbert (Hackney, S.) | Delargy, H. J. |
Bartley, P. | Callaghan, L. J. | Dodds, N. N. |
Bellenger, Rt. Hon. F. J | Castle, Mrs. B. A. | Driberg, T. E. N. |
Bence, C. R. | Champion, A. J. | Dugdale, Rt. Hon. John (W. Bromwich) |
Bonn, Hon. Wedgwood | Chetwynd, G. R. | Ede, Rt. Hon J. C. |
Beswick, F. | Clunie, J. | Edelman, M. |
Bevan, Rt. Hon. A. (Ebbw Vale) | Coldrick, W. | Edwards, Rt. Hon. John (Brighouse) |
Bing, G. H. C. | Collick, P. H. | Edwards, Rt. Hon. Ness (Caerphilly) |
Blackburn, F. | Corbet, Mrs. Freda | Edwards, W. J. (Stepney) |
Blenkinsop, A. | Cove, W. G. | Evans, Albert (Islington, S.W.) |
Evans, Edward (Lowestoft) | Lawson, G. M. | Robens, Rt. Hon. A. |
Evans, Stanley (Wednesbury) | Lever, Leslie (Ardwick) | Roberts, Albert (Normanton) |
Fernyhough, E. | Lewis, Arthur | Roberts, Goronwy (Caernarvon) |
Fienburgh, W. | Lindgren, G. S. | Robinson, Kenneth (St. Pancras, N.) |
Finch, H. J. | Lipton, Lt.-Col. M. | Ross, William |
Fletcher, Eric (Islington, E.) | Logan, D. G. | Royle, C. |
Follick, M. | MacColl, J. E. | Shackleton, E. A. A |
Foot, M. M. | McInnes, J. | Shurmer, P. L. E. |
Fraser, Thomas (Hamilton) | McKay, John (Wallsend) | Silverman, Julius (Erdington) |
Freeman, John (Watford) | McLeavy, F. | Simmons, C. J. (Brierley Hill) |
Freeman, Peter (Newport) | McNeil, Rt. Hon. H. | Skeffington, A. M. |
Gaitskell, Rt. Hon. H. T. N. | MacPherson, Malcolm (Stirling) | Slater, Mrs. H. (Stoke-on-Trent) |
Gibson, C. W. | Mainwaring, W. H. | Slater, J. (Durham, Sedgefield) |
Glanville, James | Mallalieu, E. L. (Brigg) | Smith, Norman (Nottingham, S.) |
Gordon Walker, Rt. Hon. P. C. | Mallalieu, J. P. W. (Huddersfield, E.) | Snow, J. W. |
Greenwood, Anthony | Mann, Mrs. Jean | Sorensen, R. W. |
Grenfell Rt. Hon. D. R. | Manuel, A. C. | Soskice, Rt. Hon. Sir Frank |
Griffiths, David (Rother Valley) | Marquand, Rt. Hon. H. A. | Sparks, J. A. |
Griffiths, Rt. Hon. James (Llanelly) | Mason, Roy | Strauss, Rt. Hon. George (Vauxhall) |
Griffiths, William (Exchange) | Mayhew, C. P. | Stross, Dr. Barnett |
Hale, Leslie | Mellish, R. J. | Summerskill, Rt. Hon. E. |
Hall, Rt. Hon. Glenvil (Colne Valley) | Messer, Sir F. | Sylvester, G. O. |
Hall, John T. (Gateshead, W.) | Mikardo, Ian | Taylor, Bernard (Mansfield) |
Hamilton, W. W. | Mitchison, G. R. | Taylor, John (West Lothian) |
Hannan, W. | Monslow, W. | Taylor, Rt. Hon Robert (Morpeth) |
Hardy, E. A. | Moody, A. S. | Thomas, George (Cardiff) |
Hargreaves, A. | Morgan, Dr. H. B. W. | Thomas, Ioerwerth (Rhondda, W.) |
Hastings, S. | Morris, Percy (Swansea, W.) | Thomas, Ivor Owen (Wrekin) |
Hayman, F. H. | Morrison, Rt. Hon. H. (Lewisham, S.) | Thomson, George (Dundee, E.) |
Healey, Denis (Leeds, S.E.) | Mort, D. L. | Thornton, E. |
Henderson, Rt. Hon. A. (Rowley Regis) | Moyle, A. | Timmons, J. |
Herbison, Miss M. | Mulley, F. W. | Ungoed-Thomas, Sir Lynn |
Hobson, C. R. | Neal, Harold (Bolsover) | Usborne, H. C. |
Holman, P. | Noel-Baker, Rt. Hon. P. J. | Viant, S. P. |
Holmes, Hornee | Oldfield, W. H. | Wallace, H. W. |
Houghton, Douglas | Oliver, G. H. | Warbey, W. N |
Hudson, James (Ealing, N.) | Orbach, M. | Weitzman, D. |
Hughes, Emrys (S. Ayrshire) | Oswald, T. | Wells, Percy (Faversham) |
Hughes, Hector (Aberdeen, N.) | Padley, W. E. | West, D. G. |
Hynd, J. B. (Attersliffe) | Paling, Rt. Hon. W. (Dearne Valley) | Wheeldon, W. E. |
Irving, W. J. (Wood Green) | Paling, Will T. (Dewsbury) | White, Mrs. Eirene (E. Flint) |
Isaacs, Rt. Hon. G. A. | Palmer, A. M. F. | Wigg, George |
Janner, B. | Pannell, Charles | Wilcock, Group Capt. C. A. B. |
Jay, Rt. Hon. D. P. T. | Parker, J. | Willey, F. T. |
Jeger, George (Goole) | Parkin, B. T. | Williams, David (Neath) |
Jeger, Mrs. Lena | Paten, J. | Williams, Rt. Hon. Thomas (Don V'll'y) |
Jenkins, R. H. (Stanford) | Pearson, A. | Williams, W. R. (Droylsden) |
Johnson, James (Rugby) | Pearl, T. F. | Willis, E. G. |
Jones, David (Hartlepool) | Porter, G. | Wilson, Rt. Hon. Harold (Huyton) |
Jones, Frederick Elwyn (West Ham. S.) | Price, J. T. (Westhoughton) | Winterbottom, Ian (Nottingham, C.) |
Jones, Jack (Rotherham) | Price, Philips (Gloucestershire, W.) | Winterbottom, Richard (Brightside) |
Jones, T. W. (Merioneth) | Proctor, W. T. | Woodburn, Rt. Hon. A. |
Keenan, W. | Pryde, D. J. | Yates, V. F. |
Kenyon, C. | Rankin, John | Younger, Rt Hon. K. |
Key, Rt. Hon. C. W | Reeves, J. | |
King, Dr. H. M. | Reid, Thomas (Swindon) | TELLERS FOR THE NOES: |
Kinley, J. | Reid, William (Camlachie) | Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Rogers. |