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Vhf Stations

Volume 529: debated on Wednesday 7 July 1954

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asked the Assistant Postmaster-General whether he will make a statement about the proposals of the British Broadcasting Corporation for the development of very high frequency broadcasting, and particularly with regard to a very high frequency service for Cornwall.


asked the Assistant Postmaster-General approximately when very high frequency broadcasting will be practicable as a solution of the difficulty of receiving British Broadcasting Corporation programmes in various parts of the United Kingdom, particularly Wales.

My noble Friend hopes to make a statement shortly about the development of very high frequency broadcasting.

Can my hon. Friend give an assurance that when that statement is made Cornwall will be given a high priority for the very high frequency service? Can he also say whether, when that service is brought into being, it will give full coverage for Cornwall?

I am afraid I cannot disclose now where the new stations are to be located, but I think it will be possible for my noble Friend to make a statement before the House rises.

In view of the fact that on his own admission very high frequency modulation is still a long-term prospect, and that in Wales the position is deteriorating month by month, may I once more ask the Assistant Postmaster-General to treat the Welsh position as a special case, requiring special action?

I would not agree that it is a long-term proposition. My noble Friend hopes to make a statement shortly on the stations for very high frequency broadcasting.


asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he will make a statement with regard to the installation of three new very high frequency transmitters at the Pontop Pike station and, in particular, on the improvement in reception of the Scottish Regional programme which this is expected to effect in Berwickshire.

My noble Friend hopes to make a statement shortly about the development of very high frequency broadcasting. I should add, however, that any very high frequency service from Pontop Pike would not carry the Scottish Regional service; such a service is not transmitted by that station at the present time.

Is there any station from which we can look forward to an improvement in the Scottish Regional Service?

I think that my hon. and gallant Friend had better wait until the general statement on V.H.F. transmitters is made by my noble Friend.

Can my hon. Friend say whether a decision has been finally taken as to the form of modulation to be used?