asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whether he is aware that many houses have been derequisitioned in Birmingham and other cities while people are still living in rooms; and whether he will circularise all local authorities, recommending that only when a house is required for the occupation of the owner or a member of his family should it be derequisitioned.
No. The derequisitioning of privately owned dwellinghouses does not reduce housing accommodation. Local authorities have already been asked to accord priority in the release of requisitioned properties to owner occupiers suffering hardship through being deprived of their houses and my right hon. Friend does not, therefore, consider that further guidance is necessary.
asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whether he will consider sending a circular to local authorities suggesting that they warn persons proposing to acquire requisitioned property to ascertain the probable date of derequisitioning before signing a contract for purchase.
I think it is usual for any prospective purchaser or his solicitor to approach the local authority for information about the house before committing himself. A circular to local authorities would, therefore, seem hardly necessary.