asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will state, in respect of securities now held by the National Debt Commissioners in the National Insurance Fund, the National Insurance (Reserve) Fund, the Industrial Injuries Fund and the Hospital Endowments Fund, the total cost of securities bought in and before the financial year ended in 1952, the value of those securities at the end of that year, their value today or at the latest convenient date, the total cost of securities bought since that year and their value today or at the latest convenient date, giving separate figures for each fund.
The information required is set out in the following table:1961–62 and in a full year, respectively, under the provisions of Clause 11 of the Finance Bill, were all the income of those who were over the age of 65 years on 17th April, 1961, and retired, to be deemed to be earned income for Surtax purposes.
I regret the information is not available on which to base an estimate.